James W. Corcoran


James is a member of 'Abraxas Writers Group' Dublin. He has written several novels. 'The Bull in the Bowler & the Warblefly Man' is his first e-book. He intends to upload 'The Chocolate Flamed Venus' in early May followed by 'Kemptly Mill' in Sept. and a collection of short stories 'For all in Tents and Porpoises' in December. You can contact him at : wigsie@dublin.ie

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The Bull in the Bowler & the Warblefly Man
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 79,920. Language: English. Published: March 11, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire
A hilarious look at Ireland of the 1950's. Nigel arrives to promote artificial insemination, much to the shock and horror of the decent folk in the village of Ballinafad. Some 'cute 'hoors' perceive it as a threat to their conjugal rights. Willy, sent to eradicate the warblefly sweeps Eileen from the arms of her childhood sweetheart, in a tale of love, manslaughter, betrayal and revenge.

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