Eriksson (Darkwater Bay)

The Predator's Apprentice
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 19. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 102,770. Language: English. Published: December 19, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
With a smear of lipstick leaving a scrawled and cryptic message, Helen Eriksson's world is shattered. Wendell is missing. Jerry Lowe is—God only knows what. A killer's prediction that the murders wouldn't stop with his arrest is the only truth in the devastating culmination of events in Darkwater Bay.
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 18. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 97,640. Language: English. Published: May 26, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
The victims are left without blood at nearly bloodless crime scenes. Helen Eriksson knows it can't mean what it appears to be, but faces an uphill battle convincing her colleagues that clinical vampirism is a real disorder, nothing new, and not what pop culture has led the public to believe. The race is on to figure out who the killer is, and how the crimes are committed before it happens again.
Reverend Detective
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 17. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 112,280. Language: English. Published: March 28, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
Johnny Orion recruits a former priest turned police detective to work with his unit in the state police, and Helen immediately clashes with the Reverend Detective's methods. Meanwhile, a trial looms large on the horizon of Darkwater Bay. Wanted or not, Zack Carpenter gets help proving a motive that has eluded everyone for nearly two years. Will it be enough to secure the conviction?
I Am the Monster
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 16. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 115,910. Language: English. Published: September 29, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
Helen Eriksson is embroiled in a 30-year-old mystery in an unlikely setting, with conspirators who are determined for different reasons to see that Helen fails to discern the truth, and the crime remains unsolved.
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 15. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 105,600. Language: English. Published: September 15, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
Johnny Orion enlists the help of fellow officers in the search for his wife, Helen Eriksson, who is officially a missing person, while Stephen Jarecki, now with the FBI, returns to Darkwater Bay to put forth his theory regarding Helen’s disappearance. Meanwhile, an amnesiac is dependent on a stranger who identifies herself as "Helen," who is determined to get both of them home on her terms.
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 14. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 87,830. Language: English. Published: September 1, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
A wedding draws them close together at an exotic destination. A storm isolates them from the outside world. A murder puts everyone in danger. And one big lie threatens the foundation of the life Helen Eriksson believes she has. Time is not on Helen’s side as she reaches the moment where she must decide how to confront a dangerous enemy who has refused to stop stalking her.
Gift Wrap Killer
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 13. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 96,390. Language: American English. Published: May 26, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 1 review)
Helen Eriksson is drawn back into profiling when an alleged family annihilator murders his family in Darkwater Bay before he vanishes without a trace. The investigation leads Helen, her old mentor David Levine and a new adversarial partner across the country, when cold cases are linked to the current investigation back home, as they hunt for a killer that seems to view death as a gift.
Come Out and Play
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 12. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 105,720. Language: English. Published: March 17, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
Helen Eriksson's promise to help Gia Malone determine the fate of her mother is fulfilled - but Gia's deception not only hides her true motive, but makes the case tougher than anyone imagined it would be to solve.
Winter's Harvest
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 11. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 127,500. Language: English. Published: July 8, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(Eriksson #11) Helen Eriksson’s greatest fears are realized when her new life suddenly crumbles around her. With limited options available, Helen is forced to make a difficult decision, to expose her past in order to save the people she loves from the man determined to destroy all of their lives.
Patron Saint of Demons
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 10. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 113,230. Language: American English. Published: April 1, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
With Johnny and Helen out of law enforcement in Darkwater Bay, a new and dangerous element makes a move, leaving a pair baffling mysteries involving multiple jurisdictions, and two men with past links to Helen’s career show up and draw her back into active duty. When the motive in the crime clearly seems to implicate Helen as the mastermind, the team must scramble to uncover the truth.
The Last Mile
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 9. Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 105,180. Language: English. Published: December 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
For months, Helen Eriksson and Tony Briscoe have had a love-hate relationship. On a sultry August night, Helen faces a difficult choice after a suspicious fire and death is linked to Briscoe. She can make sure Tony goes away forever, or she can find the truth. Either way, they are destined to walk the last mile in the investigation together.
Sweet Gruesome Dreams
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 8. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 102,940. Language: English. Published: August 21, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 1 review)
(Eriksson #8) Hedra Dearhart is an outcast with vivid dreams. When she begins writing about her nightmares for English Composition, all she envisions is a high GPA. But someone notices eerie similarities between what she writes and crimes reported in the newspaper. The snag is that the dreams occur before the news breaks. What follows is a head-scratching mystery for the police in Darkwater Bay.
Cloaked in Blood
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 7. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 101,780. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 3 reviews)
(Eriksson Novel #7) In the final chapters of Helen Eriksson's quest for the truth about herself, she uncovers the secret in Darkwater Bay that Jerry Lowe once warned her wasn't meant to remain buried. When the dust settles from the final confrontation, she wonders who will be left alive, and on whose side they'll stand.
Sins of the Father
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 6. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 101,290. Language: English. Published: April 2, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 2 reviews)
Helen Eriksson's insight shifts gears - from the secrets of others to the mystery of her true identity. When she turns to her father for answers, it nearly destroys her other life. Is Wendell Eriksson the ultimate sinner, or an unqualified saint? Lost in her own doubts and fears, it takes another murder to yank Helen's focus back where it belongs. (Eriksson Novel #6)
Always Watching
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 102,510. Language: American English. Published: March 12, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(4.67 from 3 reviews)
(Book #5) Someone is watching Helen Eriksson, and has been watching her since before she set foot in Darkwater Bay. One last case exposes the real mystery, but Helen may not survive to find the answers.
The Chilling Spree
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 4. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 100,370. Language: English. Published: December 27, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 3 reviews)
(Book 4 in the Eriksson Series) Helen Eriksson finds herself baffled by what initially appears to be a rather open-and-shut investigation, but is anything but when her presumed hate crime motive is decimated by two victims who don't in any way fit the original profile. Or do they?
Forgotten Place
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 3. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 110,450. Language: American English. Published: October 30, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 2 reviews)
(Eriksson Novel #3) When the daughter of a murdered district attorney is attacked in a near fatal encounter on the anniversary of his death, Helen Eriksson jumps at the chance to finally build a case against the original suspect - her old nemesis, Danny Datello.
Beneath the Cracks
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 104,270. Language: English. Published: September 27, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(5.00 from 3 reviews)
(Eriksson Novel #2) Helen Eriksson's desperation grows to keep her secrets buried while trying to help local police solve a series of unexplained deaths.
Daddy's Little Killer
Series: Eriksson (Darkwater Bay), Book 1. Price: Free! Words: 100,610. Language: English. Published: September 27, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
(4.92 from 13 reviews)
An FBI agent kills her ex-husband, but without evidence to prove she's guilty, she's free to walk away from it all. Getting away from murder and mayhem proves much more difficult for Helen Eriksson, who still plans to repay those responsible for ruining her life.