Chronicles of the Brethren

Shadows Gather
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 10. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 99,050. Language: English. Published: June 16, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(5.00 from 1 review)
For a man whose life is one epic tale after another, what happens when he suddenly encounters a variety of characters out of what everybody else thinks is just another book of fairy tales? What happens when the world is bereft of the Shadow, and Jace in particular? Jace gets to discover just that after his vacation in another reality, and for once he isn't the only one having absurd adventures!
Shadows of the Past
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 9. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 107,860. Language: English. Published: September 14, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
A few really old friend and Jace's usual zest for zaniness can only mean another Shadow book. You never know what will happen or where or when the adventure will take you, but at least you'll make good time, at least when you aren't suddenly stuck in the past, never mind, with Jace around, anything and everything is possible, except boredom. So sit back and enjoy!
Shadow Business
Series: In Shadow, Book 8 · Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 104,950. Language: English. Published: April 6, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Fantasy, Fiction » Fantasy » Epic
(4.50 from 2 reviews)
Jace is at it again, no not destroying the world, that's a whole other book, but rather introducing the next generation of Shadows to his usual impish mayhem! Filled with his usual incomprehensible humor, zany antics, and impossible adventures, delve in if you dare! Don't forget your smile and sense of humor, but any Philosophers in the audience are strongly cautioned.
Shadow of a Doubt
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 7. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 113,470. Language: English. Published: August 30, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
As a new generation of Shadows comes of age, some things never change, most especially Jace. Join the world's most astonishing hero, and a few new friends, as they discover not only what it means to be Shadow, but more importantly, human.
Legends of Shadow
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 102,170. Language: English. Published: September 30, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories, Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories
(4.00 from 1 review)
Snippets from a time-traveling library? Just another day in the life of a Shadow! Join a few old friends, and make a few new ones, on a rollicking adventure through time wherein you might encounter just about anything from zombies to the world's most exciting retirement party, but as ever, nothing is more peculiar than Jace himself! Enjoy a collection of short stories from the 'In Shadow' series.
The Last Shadow
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 11. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 74,020. Language: English. Published: September 19, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(5.00 from 1 review)
He’s finally done it, the only wonder is how the world's survived his antics this long. Jace, the imprecisely named Last Shadow, finally blows up the world. Perhaps it is not wholly his fault, but that’s never stopped him from claiming credit for such feats before. Join Jace and a few old friends for a last romp through the world’s twilight years; the Apocalypse has never been this much fun!
Lady of Shadow
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 111,610. Language: English. Published: November 1, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
Confounding the Lady of Astoria is what the Captain of the Shadow does best, at least until he meets his match: a Lady with a secret of her own. Can these two enigmatical leaders come to a mutual understanding of one another and their peculiar roles and work together against an ancient foe? And perhaps more importantly: who will keep Jace out of trouble?
The Other Brother
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 580,660. Language: English. Published: May 10, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
Three separate books, one great story! Now gathered in one volume, find three disparate works from the 'Chronicles of the Brethren' series. Whether you are curious as to how it all began or looking for the backstory of a certain favorite character, this just may be the place to find it; three independent tales from the world of the Brethren.
Captain of Shadow
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 4. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 111,590. Language: English. Published: October 29, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
What does it cost to be the most powerful man in the world? Is it worth the price? Could you stand to lose everything to attain something you hardly understand? Discover what it truly means to be Captain of the Shadow.
In Shadow
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow. Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 1,149,900. Language: English. Published: March 18, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
How can there be secrets in a place renowned for Truth? Things are not always as they seem; sometimes they are far stranger: a mysterious book of tales few can read, unexplained comings and goings, secrets that must be kept at any cost. Follow the journey of one who suddenly finds himself thrust into an adventure he is not even sure he believes in. The entire 'In Shadow' series in one volume!
Shadows Fall
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 3. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 117,390. Language: English. Published: March 18, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
Discover a monster in the woods, a Kingdom stalked by shadows and nightmares, and that owning a magical sword might not be so wonderful after all, in this third volume of the 'In Shadow' series, a series within the 'Chronicles of the Brethren.' Start with 'Shadow of the Unicorn' and then read 'To Shadow Bound,' to get the most out of this series.
To Shadow Bound
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren · In Shadow, Book 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 125,870. Language: English. Published: February 25, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
Mysterious comings and goings, life and death, all part of the daily routine for a Shadow, but can faith endure when all seems lost? When you are stripped of everything that you once cherished, what then is left? In the face of great evil and in the midst of impenetrable night does hope remain? Is there yet light in the darkness, hope in despair?
Shadow of the Unicorn
Series: In Shadow, Book 1 · Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: Free! Words: 148,740. Language: English. Published: January 23, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
How can there be secrets in a place renowned for Truth? Things are not always as they seem; sometimes they are far stranger: a mysterious book of tales few can read, unexplained comings and goings, secrets that must be kept at any cost. Follow the journey of one who suddenly finds himself thrust into an adventure he is not even sure he believes in.
The Serpent and the Unicorn
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 401,300. Language: English. Published: May 27, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.33 from 3 reviews)
What if the Myth were real and everything else mattered not? What if your very soul hung in the balance? Enter a land where the Myth is real, but many have forgotten or scorn the Truth and those who fight to uphold it. The adventure is about to begin, for even those who fight for justice are about to rediscover why. Completely revised and updated, the entire series is now available in one volume.
Legends of the Brethren
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 286,330. Language: English. Published: November 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(4.00 from 1 review)
From the wild woods of the north and across the central plains they come. Over treacherous mountains and stormy seas, across all the expanse of time and history they have been gathered. Herein are found many a tale of things great and small, of sorrow and triumph, of life, death, and things beyond either, Laughter and tears, hope and despair, are found in the tales that follow.
Legends of the Brethren: The Sampler
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: Free! Words: 124,840. Language: English. Published: November 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
From the wild woods of the north and across the central plains they come. Over treacherous mountains and stormy seas, across all the expanse of time and history they have been gathered. Herein are found many a tale of things great and small, of sorrow and triumph, of life, death, and things beyond either, Laughter and tears, hope and despair, are found in the tales that follow.
Thus It Began
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 202,900. Language: English. Published: November 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
Time and forgetfulness have fogged the memories of men, but some stories are too great to be forgotten. Discover how it all began. A young girl is given an impossible task while the world she once knew is gone forever. No one knows what will emerge from the wreckage. How will civilization survive, especially when the dark forces that encouraged its fall are not content with mere ruin?
A Song of Lesser Days
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 194,000. Language: English. Published: November 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
The world is laid waste through centuries of war and plague. The world has not known such desolation since the Beginning. Nation has risen against nation until none now can stand and some have vanished forever. Even Astoria has fallen and the Brethren are scattered in a quickly darkening and ever more dangerous world. Yet there is hope, though it be only flickering candle on the edge of night.
Once a Thief
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 237,000. Language: English. Published: November 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(3.00 from 1 review)
Where do legends come from? Before all the grand adventures and dire tragedies that shook the world to its core, there was a young boy named Tristan whom the cruel hand of fate had left all alone in an indifferent and pitiless world. It is a journey from boyhood to manhood, from obscurity to purpose. Meet the boy who became a legend and discover where the adventure began.
The Serpent and the Unicorn: Book IV and V
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 177,760. Language: English. Published: November 20, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
The armed conflict is over and the world anticipates a time of peace and prosperity, but a war of a different sort is looming, one for the heart and soul of humanity. Since time began, the Brethren have been the guardians of Knowledge and Truth, but their ancient stewardship is about to be challenged by those who seek Reason at any cost. Who will decide how the world puts itself back together?
The Serpent and the Unicorn: Book III
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 124,300. Language: English. Published: November 20, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
An old foe and an ancient enemy join forces to conquer the known world. The Brethren are forced to confront the mostly contented and oblivious nations and prepare them for a war that might destroy everything. Even if the nations can unite, a much greater evil has yet to reveal itself and this may mean defeat in the very hour of victory unless a mission of dire secrecy is successful.
The Serpent and the Unicorn: Book I and II
Series: Chronicles of the Brethren. Price: Free! Words: 176,900. Language: English. Published: November 20, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Christian » Fantasy
(5.00 from 1 review)
What if the Myth were real and everything else mattered not? What if your very soul hung in the balance? Enter a land where the Myth is real, but many have forgotten or scorn the Truth and those who fight to uphold it. The adventure is about to begin, for even those who fight for justice are about to rediscover why.