Interview with Jesse Habbick

Published 2020-09-18.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
My first favorite books are--in no particular order:
-World War Z, by Max Brooks. I love it because of the brutally honest portrayal of the human condition.
-Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by You Know Who... It was the first book I voluntarily read after high school, and it showed me that books can be awesome.
-The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend, by David Gemmell. I love the absolute undying loyalty and fortitude of Druss's character.
-Mariel of Redwall, by Brian Jacques. I have many fond memories of my mother reading the Redwall series to me as a child, and this book started it all.
-Dracula, by Bram Stoker. It is unique that all the information of the book is portrayed through letters to/from the characters. I love the atmosphere and story Stoker created. It is a masterpiece.
-And last, but certainly not least, just about anything by H.P. Lovecraft. That man had a talent for creating oppressive, dark, and desperate moods for stories that are still scary to this day. Lovecraft is, as far as I know, the only man who has a genre named after him. What a legacy!
Describe your desk
My desk is actually a 3x3 folding card table. I have mountains of doodles, snippets of important information, a Japanese to English dictionary, a lamp, a game controller, and D&D and MTG stuff all crammed on top of it. I also have a chair! For sitting!
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Windham, NH. I spent as much time as I could in the woods, playing, imagining, escaping. The forests of New England are both serenely inviting and dangerously mysterious. They taught me that something can be both wonderful and terrible. My imagination gave birth to all sorts of creatures, which have since crawled their way into my stories. I love those woods.
When did you first start writing?
I wrote bits of this and that growing up, but lacked the discipline and skills to really pursue anything. I had dozens of story parts darting around inside my skull. I first started putting them to paper when I started college at Full Sail University.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I decided to become an indie author because one of my professors from Full Sail told me I had to. I am very glad I did. It's truly been a great experience.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing for me is being able to create worlds and creatures, and characters to populate them. I love world building and developing back-stories. I love giving the reader something unique or interesting to think about.
What are you working on next?
I am currently working on publishing children's picture books, one of which is my own unique version of Little Red Riding Hood. I have also written the first draft of a fantasy/horror novel, and am about half way through the dreaded second draft.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
The need to use the toilet. I also love interacting with people. People are awesome, and I love hearing their stories.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I wrote (and illustrated) my first story when I was in first grade. Robin Hood set out to fight a dragon. But when he got to the dragon's cave it ate him.
What is your writing process?
I usually think about a story idea or concept for weeks, months even, before writing it down. Then, I'll jot down a spiderweb of notes about everything I've thought of for the characters, plot, history, back-story, and ending. I'll write a first draft (resisting the urge to edit as I go, but usually failing). After I finish the first draft, I'll leave it alone for a day or a week, and then write a second draft, heavily editing, adding, and axing big chunks of the story. I always show my work to my family and friends to get their valuable feedback. I continue with this process until I've completed a couple of drafts. Then, I tuck it away for a while and become good and unfamiliar with it. Finally, I'll read it again--no editing--to see if it's still everything I think it should be. I'll probably edit one more time before I call it good.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
The kind with Internet access.
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If This Isn't, I Don't Know What Is.
Price: Free! Words: 1,210. Language: English. Published: March 1, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories, Fiction » Adventure » Action
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