Charles Epstein


Charles D. Epstein has been in the financial services business for 31 years -- his entire
business career. As The 401k Coach®, he has trained thousands of financial advisors and individual investors across the country on his Paychecks for Life System. For his innovative and straight-talking approach, he has been named one of the most influential individuals in the 401(k) industry by 401kWire for four years running.


Paychecks for Life: How to Turn Your 401(k) into a Paycheck Manufacturing Company
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 46,070. Language: English. Published: January 15, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Personal finance / retirement planning
"Goodbye, paycheck. How will I live without you?" Will these be your words on the day you retire? They don’t have to be. Paychecks for Life gives you the clarity, confidence and capabilities you need to become financially independent -- for life. Become the boss of your own Paycheck Manufacturing Company today.

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