Thierry H. De Mortain


Interested in the origins of the alphabet and to the transition from phoenician to greek and then latin.
I like traveling.
Last holidays in the Cyclade island in Greece (of course).
Married. Three children (two sons and one daughter).

Where to find Thierry H. De Mortain online

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The Latin Alphabet
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 5,600. Language: English. Published: November 4, 2012 . Categories: Essay » Technology
Mariage between the Greek alphabet and the Latin language. This book follows the book 'The Greek Alphabet' of the same author.
The Greek Alphabet.
Price: $9.90 USD. Words: 5,440. Language: English. Published: October 7, 2012 . Categories: Essay » Technology
Mariage between the phoenician alphabet and the greek language.
Theos Et Deus. Vers Une Interprétation Du Mot Dieu En Grec Et Latin
Price: $1.95 USD. Words: 1,160. Language: French. Published: January 1, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » History » European » Europe / Baltic States
Pourquoi le mot Dieu en Grec et en Latin est-il si court ? Theos/Thea et Deus/Dea. Ne pourrions nous pas interpréter cette écriture ? Ce livre explique pourquoi la première lettre (Theta et D) est la plus importante pour donner sens à cette écriture. Il tend alors à démontrer que ces lettres pourraient être considérées comme des idéogrammes.
French Autopictographic Abecedary In Upper Case
Price: $1.95 USD. Words: 370. Language: French. Published: October 2, 2010 . Categories: Nonfiction » Children's Books » Entertainment
A word is autopictographic if one of its letter is a pictogram of this word. For instance, the word ORBIT is autopictographic because O may represent the word ORBIT. This short book is an autopictographic french abecedary in upper case. It may be used by teachers to teach pupils the alphabet in a funny and new way. It follows the book : English autopictographic abecedary in upper case.
English autopictographic abecedary in upper case
Price: $1.95 USD. Words: 320. Language: English. Published: August 29, 2010 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching
A word is autopictographic if one of its letter is a pictogram of this word. For instance, the word ORBIT is autopictographic because O may represent the word ORBIT. This short book is an autopictographic english abecedary in upper case. It may be used by teachers to teach pupils the alphabet in a funny and new way.
L' Alphabet Latin
Price: $9.90 USD. Words: 6,090. Language: French. Published: August 29, 2010 . Categories: Nonfiction » History » Ancient » Egypt
Ce livre est la suite de "L'Alphabet Grec". Pour la toute première fois, il tente d'établir un potentiel lien entre les lettres latines et la langue latine. Il es illustré d'un grand nombre d'images explicatives.
L'Alphabet Grec
You set the price! Words: 5,460. Language: French. Published: August 29, 2010 . Categories: Nonfiction » History » Ancient » Egypt
Ce livre explique pour la toute première fois une potentielle relation entre les lettres grecques et la langue grecque. Il est illustré de nombreuses images.