Amy Giuffrida


Amy Giuffrida teaches language arts to teens by day, while working nights as supermom and a bookseller. The teen in her is never far away, calling to her to crank the tunes and write stories about the darkness that surrounds us all.

Amy is known for taking the path less traveled, but can be always be found on Twitter @kissedbyink or online at one of her haunts:,, or

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
That'a always the question, right? Well, all I'll say is that it's another NA horror. Think obsession and romance.
Who are your favorite authors?
Although I have a few favorite authors, none have moved me more than Stephen King. Yes, he is a horror writer. Yes, sometimes I think he might be quite crazy. But the man is BRILLIANT!

I have not always been an avid reader. In high school, I was the kid who went to the bookstore just to pick up a copy of the Cliff Notes version of the classic novel we were assigned to read. I wasn’t going to read Lord of the Flies or Macbeth. No way! I needed to pass the class, so I took the easy way out--earning nothing above a "C" mind you.

As a teen, and even as an adult, those classics bore me to tears. Never was there anything contemporary being discussed in my English classes. Not once did a teacher ever encourage me to read by sharing books or titles with me. I found these on my own. I found…Stephen King.

Stephen King wrote about things I could never imagine happening. His words drew me in like a siren’s song. The world he created in each of his stories was one I could never conceive of. I mean, who would have thought that a car could truly live? That your loving dog could become a killer? That a clown could or would drag young kids into the shadows via a sewer drain? Okay, I knew about the clown, but really? Not only was there strangeness and an element or horror to King’s stories, but there were relationships built. Stephen King taught me that when things go wrong, you cling to those you love and hold them close to you. He also writes about forgiveness. Yes, even in a horror novel there can be forgiveness, fragility and tenderness.

As an adult, Stephen King taught me the greatest lesson of all. He has taught me to put myself out there and write the stories I have inside of me. I know now that the voices that I hear shouting in my head are not to be feared, but to be allowed to frolic in the open air and flourish. Those voices, they are my friends. They will take me places that I need to go. I should not write timidly. Although writing is a risk, without putting myself out there, I haven’t done myself, or my characters justice.

Besides the confidence Stephen King has inspired in me, I have also learned a lot about the craft of writing from his memoir, On Writing. This book is a must read for every writer out there, published or not. Beside the traditional grammar tips, Stephen King wrote many anecdotes about the roads he traveled while writing a few of his most famous works; telling stories about his characters along the way.

Without Stephen King, the past 20 years or so of my life may have turned out very differently. I may never have become the reader I am today. I may never have had the courage to enter those worlds I have created in my head; giving my characters their voice. I may never have begun to feel confident in myself as a writer. Without books, my life would be…well I can’t even think about that.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Amy Giuffrida online


The Bleeding Heart
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 64,770. Language: English. Published: June 17, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Horror » General
Brooklyn is a talented artist with an obsession for blood; one that she satiates at her uncle's tattoo shop. It's here at The Bleeding Heart that Brooklyn practices the art of dispensing pain onto others. Yet, nothing can dull the desire running through her veins. That is until Daniel comes into her life, bringing a different sort of desire into her life and man does it hurt so good.

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blood    horror    new adult    psychological    revenge    tattoos