Angela Frankenhauser

Smashwords book reviews by Angela Frankenhauser

  • Bitter Fish on Feb. 09, 2013

    Bitter Fish is a wonderful story full of the essence of what life is like in the modern day world today.Somewhere along the way we all forgot how to connect with nature this book helps you feel like you are there in nature, It also brings you back to a place that is untouched by man a place where everyone wants to be and it invites you to go out and be in nature and it gives you a great sense of what it like to be in nature and live close to nature in todays world. What you could encounter when you do and what one should be ready for in the missouri hills and valleys and caves and at the same time you feel the connection to the earth and all the seasons and and you feel as if you are there exploring with his Chaacters in nature today It is a different world we live in today. We all Have this very same dream to live simple free of debt and to be free from everyday worries ,this story has it all . Everyone should read this book