Kathy Flanary Nelson


After writing a poetry collection and seeing them accepted in several anthologies in the U.S. and abroad, I continued writing a compilation for my own publishable work. Seven months later in 2002, I’d written a collection of 70 poems. In 2003, published the collection in the book titled, “This is Life” (Embracing the Seasons through Poetry and Songs); named after the title poem, “This is Life”.

I write prolifically, my first love was poetry that I started writing in 2001. Since then I’ve written several children’s books, one that gained popularity with a small press, titled, “You Make Me Want to Sing” (Music Stories), and is still active and selling at Amazon.com. “The Skein and the Pair, was my first novella published. It is about the trials of a flock of geese, it is general literary fiction for all ages. It was published recently, in July 2010, is still active at major on-line bookstores, and is shelved where I’ve had book signings.

My most current work is the story titled, “Beneath the Cherry Blossoms”. This is my second novella and although it is a work of fiction it is based on a true story. The loss of every loved one is unspeakably hard. The story occupied my mind for over one and a half years until I finally gave in to those compelling thoughts that would come and go, but never leave for too long, and wrote the story.

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Where to buy in print


Beneath the Cherry Blossoms
Price: $3.50 USD. Words: 21,380. Language: English. Published: May 23, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Plays & Screenplays » American
Beneath the Cherry Blossoms is a heart-felt story about the grief of a sibling. Kerry has lost her sister Brielle to cancer and becomes obsessed with the afterlife only to find herself existing between earth and heaven. Kerry has visited her sister at the cemetery every day since she was laid to rest there, and there is where she meets a man who seems to have the heavenly answers she seeks.

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