Donna Anderson


Donna Anderson was born the 6th child of Grace in 1942 in Fairmont,MN. The family lived on a small farm in Martin County where she spent her growing up years. After High School Donna began her schooling and career in nursing. She met and married her husband Warren and they began raising their 3 sons. The years brought a move to northen MN where they continue to live today. Along with family life Donna has continued to work in the nursing field. She has been active in her church, Bible study groups, Cursillo retreats, and supporting school activities.

Where to find Donna Anderson online


So...This Is Grace
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 70,180. Language: English. Published: May 16, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs
So…This is Grace Short description/smashword so…this is grace is a true story of a woman named grace. it follows her through the school years into adult life. she lived through some difficult times developing a strong character of integrity and survival. She came to recognize God’s unending love and care in her life.

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