Craig Copland


Craig Copland humbly admits to being yet another former liberal do-gooder who was “mugged by reality” and turned right. Following years as a professional in the non-profit sector and then as the owner of a marketing consulting company, he finally embraced conservatism and now works at helping conservative candidates and causes. He and his firm, Conservative Growth, are available to assist conservatives in campaign management and fundraising. He lives, works and writes from New York and Toronto. He can be reached at

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2012 Conservative Election Handbook
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 88,230. Language: English. Published: November 2, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Politics & Current Affairs » Democracy
Conserving America doesn’t start with the White House. It ends with the White House. It starts with the local dog catcher, and the local Council, and the sheriff, and the mayor. There are over 600,000 elected offices in America. The 2012 Conservative Election Handbook tells you everything you need to know to elect conservatives to all of them.