David Trainor


David Trainor was born November 5, 1993 in Portland, Oregon. He was diagnosed at birth with a very rare congenital heart disease. David spent his early years dealing with his condition and coping with the outcomes. He practiced many skills in his childhood including writing, drawing and singing. He wrote many short stories throughout the years that were lost or never thought of again, until starting work on his book "'Til Death". 'Til Death sat on the back burner for a while while David focused on school. When he opted to transfer from Bend Senior High School to COIC in his senior year he was encouraged by his new teachers and peers to continue work on 'Til Death. Now he has finished writing and is a self-published author. 'Til Death is his first completed work but he plans on continuing with his love of writing.

Where to find David Trainor online


'Til Death
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 82,010. Language: American English. Published: December 18, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Maximillien Marr was born a broken child, growing up in a world that he never fit in. When he met Katelyn Avenicci his life was better than ever, but when Max takes Katelyn to France to escape the pressures of planning their wedding and they both wake up after a man Kate met in France kills them, they have to deal with their new lives as vampires.

David Trainor's tag cloud

contemparary    novel    romance    vampire