Marc I. Ehrlich


Dr. Marc I. Ehrlich is a psychotherapist in private practice and organizational consultant since 1980. Marc has consulted with more than 300 Mexican and Multinational companies within Mexico, Spain, the United States, Latin and South America, some of which include: American Express, Citi Bank, Exxon-Mobil, GlaxoSmithKline, Grupo Bimbo, J.P. Morgan, Philips, Southwestern Bell, and the World Bank. He has also worked as a Senior Trainer for the Center for Creative Leadership (Mexico City) and as a consultant to a national program for the prevention of substance abuse in the family. Marc was a weekly columnist in The News for more than 25 years. In addition to his work as a clinical and organizational psychologist, Dr. Ehrlich is author of six books: “The Psychology of Teamwork” , “The Challenge of Working and Living in Mexico”, “The Handicapped”, “Harmony”, “Husbands, Wives, and Their Children”, and “The Awakening of the Mexican Spirit”. He has also published in various national and international journals.

Marc, originally from Brooklyn, New York, has worked lived in Mexico City since 1980.

Where to buy in print


The Calm and Steady Path
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 116,230. Language: American English. Published: October 2, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing, Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Balancing work & family
The Calm and Steady Path is a reflection of my work as a psychotherapist, organizational consultant, and seminar leader for more than 35 years. In this book, I help the reader identify the source of interpersonal, marital, familial, and professional suffering. As importantly, I provide the steps needed to achieve mental clarity and emotional balance.