Elayne Escribo


Escribo has been interested in writing since before she could write, and the passion has never left her. She enjoys writing in many genres and also enjoys co-writing with her good friend, Jay L Miller. She is a proud grandmother of four boys, two girls, three dogs and two cats. She lives in Phoenix Arizona with Jay.

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest book published at Smashwords is a joint effort between myself and Jay L Miller. When I met Jay, we talked about our writing and he sent me some of his unpublished stories. I felt that they were good, and started helping him edit them and ready them for publication. Then he suggested we write a book together. "Catching a Ride" came from an experience I had of finding a new friend by picking up a hitch hiker. Not recommended in this day and age, but the experience was a good one, and I keep in touch with my friend. We worked the story out one chapter at a time, each adding to the story and editing, reworking and doing a lot of research on my part. The writing of the book has been a life changing experience, and we are excited to be starting the sequel in May of 2016. We don't have a projected publishing date yet, but hopefully before the end of the year.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
For me, the desire to write doesn't go away. It may fade from time to time, but then it rears its head like a sleeping dragon awakened by a tiny thief stealing his treasure. Smashwords has made publishing easy, and perhaps in the future I'll be noticed by the 'big' publishing companies, however, the important thing is to get my work out to those who want a good read. A book without a reader is a sad, sad thing.
Read more of this interview.


Catching a Ride
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 46,300. Language: English. Published: June 10, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
Elanna never expected her Craigslist ad to bring someone like Greg into her life, but that one post changed her entire future. Come along for the ride as Elanna is guided into the world of BDSM by the handsome Greg as he introduces her to pleasures she never knew existed.

Smashwords book reviews by Elayne Escribo

  • 6 Long Days on June 10, 2016

    This is an interesting book depicting the BDSM scene. I enjoyed reading it very much.