Judith Post


Judith Post was an elementary school teacher before having two daughters of her own. She intended to go back to the classroom when they were both in school, but life had other plans. Somewhere between diapers and pre-school, her husband signed her up for a class on Writing For Fun and Profit. She did a lot of writing for fun, but not very much for profit. She started with short stories and sold to three WOMANSLEUTH anthologies, Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen mystery magazines, and several Barnes and Noble anthologies. She has a chapbook from Wormhole Books: Twisted in the Dark, and has several stories in an anthology with Emily Jean Carroll from Publish America: it's a mystery, tales of intrigue. Her first love was mysteries, but she's been seduced to the offbeat with urban fantasy. Fickle gods and cosmic tinkering creep into her stories more often than not, alongside gargoyles, witches, vampires, and werewolves. Life is good.




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