Pál Kerekes


The author is an IT-librarian, computer science writer. He disposes of a PhD academic degree. His PhD thesis deals with the relationship between electronic culture and e-government . He is author of The eBook Guide as well as The Electronic Book. Founder and editor of Könyvkonnektor (BookConnect) blog.

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From the Gutenberg Galaxy to the Googletenberg Universe
Price: Free! Words: 4,690. Language: English. Published: March 13, 2016 . Categories: Essay » Literature, Nonfiction » Reference » Publishing & books
We can not only emphasize Gutenberg’s merits as a process manager, but also his skills as a businessman, a man of ideas and an organizer who gives definite orders, but does not participate in manual labour. Now he appears before our eyes as a widely successful businessman who published and sold the Bible. Gutenberg was outstandingly efficient software manager, the first technological entrepreneur.
Akcióban az e-book: ötletek e-könyv vásárlásához és kezdő használatához
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 12,720. Language: Hungarian. Published: June 20, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Computers & Internet » ebook readers
This new book is nothing more than a brief guide. The title is "eBook in action". Its aim is to get started with the e-book, to take a stroll over the reader interfaces in a friendly, open way. The author has also taken up the task of assisting the reader of the print book to change to the e-book. In the last chapter the author attempts to introduce of electronic dedication.
Könyvkonnektor blog bejegyzések
Price: Free! Words: 7,460. Language: Hungarian. Published: May 24, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Reference » Publishing & books
My blog highlights that culture created from digital platforms can only be interpreted within the context of traditional culture. The research of the dimensions of the Googletenberg-galaxy have only begun, even though the world of books is changing at a rapid pace.