Fatal Kurai


I write FanFiction stuff, but every once in a while I write originals. Writing is so much fun, and I can't wait for my journey here!

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
Very confusing things involving being trapped in your mind and car crashes. It's confusing.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Writing is a lot of fun, and I want to learn, learn and progress, y'know?
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Fatal Kurai online

Twitter: @LightzTime

Fatal Kurai's favorite authors on Smashwords

Finnian Valko
Latest book: Passion Flame.
Published May 10, 2014. (4.33 from 3 reviews)

Smashwords book reviews by Fatal Kurai

  • Passion Flame on May 11, 2014

    “Passion Flame” by Finnian Valko is a story about Ejaz, a bounty hunter who is tasked by a man named Jehoash to hunt down these dragons to keep his love, Jessabelle, and his son, Jackson, safe. Jehoash is a dragon, but fell in love with a human, Jessabelle, and they had a child together which is a half-breed, Jackson. Because he is a half-breed, Jackson catches a lot of attention from the other dragons who see him accidentally using his powers, thus leading to the adventure of keeping Jessabelle and Jackson safe. This book isn’t like most books I have read, dragons and whatnot. I admit I was pretty lenient to reading this story in the first place, but once I finished page 1 I was hooked. There were a lot of good parts that really made you get attached to the character, for example when Jehoash says "Perhaps I am. I have made mistakes, Heolstor. I have lost much of everything I had. What wasn't taken outright was sacrificed for my family... I have nothing, so maybe I am nothing." It was a really touching line that made me personally feel sorry for the character. I recommend buying this book (which is at the moment free of charge) if you are into paranormal romance and action, as well as if you are into Dragons, it’s a good read. Also, those who are skeptical of the dragon element should at least try it out and see if it’s your cup of tea. -Lightz, also known as Fatal Kurai
  • A Different Sort of Life on May 11, 2014

    “A Different Sort of Life” be Finnian Valko is personally one of my favorite stories on Smashwords so far. It starts with a girl named Caroline, who sneaks into a building ran by a company named M.E.E.R (Marketed Evolution of Electronic Revitalization). Her main goal is to destroy all technology that rules modern society, and bring the world back to a time where technology wasn’t apart of normal life. You then get introduced to her boyfriend, Daniel, who seems fishy, but overall a pretty decent character (until you get to the end, I won’t say anything but die in a fire, Daniel.) A lot of plot-twists are revealed, and so much happened, it really gets you attached to the story and characters. I say pick this up if you like free books. I guarantee you’ll like this book if you’re into sci-fi romance, and I wouldn’t mind at all if the author made a sequel. –Lightz, also known as Fatal Kurai