Robert Jackson-Lawrence


A fan of writing since he could first hold a crayon, R Jackson-Lawrence has had a tortuous path before reaching this point in his life. In between working in a supermarket, care home and hospital, and having a family, it took nearly twenty years for his first book to be finished.

He now has three of the Benjamin Knight novels published, as well as his series for younger readers - Pups! (The adventures of a third grade werewolf).

His next novel will be a science fiction adventure with elements of Arthurian Legend - X-Calibur: The Return

Smashwords Interview

What is your e-reading device of choice?
It depends where I am. I use a kindle if I am outdoors or if I want to turn on the text-to-speech and listen to the book I am reading in the car. Indoors, I prefer to use the Kindle app on my Google Nexus 7.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
The best thing I did was a review only blog tour with PixelPR. This brought in new readers and earned me some great reviews!
Read more of this interview.

Where to buy in print


Knightfall - Book 1 of The Chronicle of Benjamin Knight
Price: Free! Words: 102,540. Language: English. Published: August 16, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Science Fiction
'Lord of the Rings for the Call of Duty Generation' A young adult fantasy adventure in a world similar to our own...

Robert Jackson-Lawrence's tag cloud

Smashwords book reviews by Robert Jackson-Lawrence

  • Kyrathaba Rising on Aug. 22, 2013

    Intriguing high-brow sci-fi I received Kyrthaba Rising as part of review exchange with the author William Bryan Miller. It tells the story of the surviving pockets of humanity, who live underground after Aliens have attacked and destroyed the surface through a nuclear assault. Four survivors manage to insert themselves into a virtual reality full of Orcs and magic, that may be more than it seems, whilst the humans and androids in the underground bunker of A3 deal with murder, intrigue, deception and a full on alien attack. I enjoyed the book overall, it was very well written and with excellent editing and proofreading (I don't think I encountered a single error that comes to mind). It isn't what I'd normally read, but I'm glad I did, and with how it ended, I would be keen to read books 2 and 3 to discover the rest of the story. My only gripe is that the reveals at the end of the book didn't completely gel with what I'd read in the book so far. Maybe the details of the how and why will be revealed in later books, in which case I applaud the author for drafting such a complex metaphysical tale! Score 4 out of 5 stars Review system 5 stars excellent 4 stars very good 3 stars average 2 stars below average 1 star poor