Sandra Macauley


Sandy’s interests in writing blossomed after one of her English professors gave the final assignment to either write five poems or recite Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech. After completing the five poems, she continued to write poetry and perform at open mic nights while living in Taos, NM. Several years ago she read about an article in the local newspaper concerning a challenge to write a novel in one month, Sandy pushed herself to completing that task, and after she fell in love with creating the entire story and each one of the characters that real people could relate to.
Sandy is the youngest of five children and she grew up in the quiet area of Pasadena, Maryland. A small town where one could catch a bushel of blue crabs from the Magothy River in the morning, steam them in afternoon while having one’s friends over to watch football. She still has the belief that there is nothing much wrong in life that a good old-fashioned crab-feast could help to make better. Her mother always has a way of making Christmas special, so Sandy is that person who is in the Christmas mode 90% of the time. While she has since lived in New Mexico, Montana and currently resides in Oklahoma. Maryland will always be her hearts home.
Sandy’s hobbies include perusing Pinterest for new recipes to make (especially holiday desserts}, collecting teapot Christmas ornaments, reading, watching football and hunting for that perfect coffee shop to relax in and of course anything and everything Christmas related.

Where to find Sandra Macauley online


A Town Called Festive: “Hope, second chances and forgiveness”
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 62,930. Language: English. Published: February 13, 2020 by Brighton Publishing LLC. Categories: Fiction » Inspirational, Fiction » Romance » General
Festive, Maryland a small mountain town the bursts with the holiday spirit from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. This is a place where one can find Christmas cheer literally on every corner or at one of the many holiday celebrations. The beliefs of hope, second chances, and forgiveness bubble over there, for there even the resident town grump can find redemption.

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