Sherry Janes


Years ago, when living in Pennsylvania, someone handed me “The Sleeping Prophet” by Jess Stearn, a book about the life and work of Edgar Cayce, America’s most documented psychic. Fascinated, I began studying the rich material in the Edgar Cayce Readings, keeping dream journals and deciphering the meaning of my dreams; learning meditation; how to identify possible past lives in other cultures, many of mine in South America or the American Southwest, as well as Egypt and Greece; and what it means to live a spiritual life without the dogma of religion. I experimented with the holistic remedies suggested by Cayce, beginning a life-long interest in natural healing.

Returning to my home state of Minnesota, I became writer and editor for the Minnesota Cayce organization’s community newsletter, and began learning and working with energy healing. Fast-forward to Arizona, where I widened my field of spiritual study and energy healing while working in an energy medicine research center where physicists, metaphysicians, and healers freely co-mingled and discovered they were all asking the same questions. I immersed myself in the study of spirituality and metaphysics, adding one healing modality after another to my medicine bag. And by then, I was writing stories.
I finally escaped the ridiculously hot climate in Arizona and fled to Colorado, exchanging hot and sweaty for dizzy and out of breath—in the mile high cities of Colorado Springs and Denver. And here, I spent several years working with master spiritual healer and teacher, Adriene Wentworth, and learning the transformational, high frequency healing method I use today. I saw how valuable this process is, the powerful positive effects it has on people’s lives, the way it can clear out the energies of things like depression, sickness, abuse, even war, and help people finally become clearer and move forward with their lives, sometimes clearing physical symptoms or sickness in the process. I discovered how powerful this work is and how deeply it affects people.

Once again in Minnesota, I produced the first two books in the Spirit Song series, “Cape of the Red Jaguar” a fast-paced paranormal adventure in the Venezuelan rain forest, and “Seeds in the Blood, where the story is carried to Lake Minnetonka, just outside Minneapolis, where we learn an awful lot about how negative outside forces steal our energy and affect our lives, and what we can do about that. I am immensely proud of both of them. The protagonist is a shaman who quite naturally uses natural medicines, speaks with spirit guides, and performs shamanic healing ceremonies.

There is another book in the beginning stages, and as my journey often decides to move ahead before informing me, I am once again in Colorado, living at 7000 feet and working on Spirit Song III.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes. It was terrible.
What, or who, inspired you to become a writer?
One of my first teachers asked me one day, out of the blue, “Have you ever thought about being a famous novelist?” The way he said it made me realize he’d seen something about my future. At that point I had not thought about it just the way he said it. Because he was someone I trusted, I began to think more seriously about it.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Sherry Janes online


Spirit Song, Seeds in the Blood
Series: Spirit Song, 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 274,090. Language: English. Published: December 1, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Themes & motifs » Spiritual & metaphysical, Fiction » Adventure » General
A fallen angel in human form becomes the most evil being on Earth, the master of darkness. He wants sisters Christina and Ellen, and the secrets in the Book of Persivann, his true goal too horrible to contemplate. Finally captured, they are badly injured and brothers Rafe and Pablo are left for dead. If he finds the Book, Earth’s shift into a new dimension could explode into global disaste
Spirit Song, Cape of the Red Jaguar
Series: Spirit Song, 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 179,240. Language: English. Published: June 3, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Visionary & metaphysical, Fiction » Adventure » General
(4.00 from 2 reviews)
The Inca Temple of the Sun, 500 years and 1500 miles from where it should be in Peru. A sacred shaman’s cape gives powerful magic to the one who possesses it. A young anthropologist drugged and sold to a tribal chief and the doctor who saves her face powerful supernatural evils to fulfill a world-changing destiny. Enter the world of love and magic, visions and spirits, time travel and prophecy.

Smashwords book reviews by Sherry Janes

  • D.N.A. -Nothing Would Ever be the Same on Sep. 06, 2011
    (no rating)
    Ey Wade has created a fascinating and courageous character in Debney Nicole Armstrong, who lost her entire family in a car accident on her eighteenth birthday, and realized she was pregnant not long after that. In spite of the insults, crude remarks, and hurtful pranks thrown at her in the last few weeks of high school, valedictorian Debney is determined to graduate and have her child, even though she is not certain who the father is. DNA is a look into an all-too-common issue in a multi-cultural setting. What kept me turning pages was Wade’s deep insight into Debney’s emotions as she found her way through the wrenching trials that followed and wondering when she was going to crash. This was a world foreign to me and I recommend it as a great read.
  • D.N.A. -Nothing Would Ever be the Same on Nov. 03, 2011

    Hmm. I see my original review, below, didn't include a rating. So here it is!