Vivek Pereira


I studied at St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra, and later at M.M.K College where a poem appeared in my examination paper much to the chagrin of the Economics professor. I have contributed humorous short stories and thought-provoking poetry to online websites like and ( Rose Garden and Minefields, a compilation of some of my finest poems, short stories and essays, was published in 2010. Do read my blog "The Vivekean Times" at for reviews and excerpts of my latest books.

Smashwords Interview

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
The challenge of writing inspirational, informative or entertaining content at work or for my latest literary work, promoting it efficiently on social media, accumulating relevant information on various topics and simply connecting with people are the main things that keep me going each day.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
The first story I wrote was a short story about how an angel was sent on a reconnaissance mission to hell but found things to be perfect there. Some parts of it might constitute heresy, but luckily that's not punishable under the Indian Penal Code - at least, not yet. Of course, I reworked on the story a lot and submitted it to an online site called which accepted it and the rest, as they say, is history. I would advise budding authors to do just that - keep on writing and rewriting your work till you feel that's the best you can write. Get your first work reviewed and edited by experts as far as possible so that you are sure that readers have great first impressions about you and your writing talent. Unfortunately, first impressions are crucial in whatever we do. If Dickens wrote "Great Expectations" after twenty years of shoddy work, the publisher would not have even cast a second glance at his manuscript before rejecting it.
Read more of this interview.


Indians in Pakistan
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 78,280. Language: English (Indian dialect). Published: August 28, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Cultural & ethnic themes » Cultural interest, general
'Indians in Pakistan' is a fast-paced action-thriller on the menace of terrorism, which explores the emotional bonding between people and the resilience of the human spirit. This exciting novel will surely entertain and enlighten you, revealing bitter truths, warped perceptions and diabolical designs, which together make the Indian subcontinent one of the most dangerous regions of the world.

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