Annette Lynch (formerly Huygens-Tholen)


Annette Lynch knows what it takes to succeed and reach goals. As Annette Huygens-Tholen, she represented Australia in beach volleyball at the Sydney Olympics in 2000 realizing a 25 year dream of being an Olympian. After this great achievement, it was retirement from sport that proved to be Annette’s biggest challenge. It took her 6 years and 3 times to retire from beach volleyball to find her new passion and new goals.
Since discovering the 'how to' replicate success and learning the secrets to personal power and performance, Annette has tranformed not only her life, but those of others.

Annette is a certified Master Results Coach and a Trainer and Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). By studying and applying the mindset skills and attitudes of sport into the game of life, Annette has transformed not only her life, but thousands of others in UK, USA, Aus and NZ through coaching and training.
She has helped athletes, teams, businesses and everyday people to strengthen their personal leadership, to get better results in career, health and relationships.
Her book, "Success beyond Sport" teaches the 8 Winning Points for leading oneself to success - emotionally and financially.

Where to find Annette Lynch (formerly Huygens-Tholen) online


Success Beyond Sport
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 64,380. Language: English. Published: September 4, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Sports business
After a successful career in sports, retirement can lead to confusion and a lack of identity for athletes. It doesn’t have to be so difficult. In Success beyond Sport, 2000 Olympian, Annette Huygens-Tholen shares how she overcame the struggles of transition and how her 8 Winning Steps can help you succeed in a new role. Use the skills that made you a champion athlete in life after sport.

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