Brother Ash


I am a rootworker/Hoodoo practitioner and sorcerer based out of Richmond, Virginia. I learned Hoodoo from my mother growing up, who learned it from her grandmother from Mississippi. My other two siblings weren't interested in learning but I am proud to carry on the tradition and pass along my knowledge. I do my best to "work with both hands" but lets just say I have a dangerous left hook if you will. I am very much what I like to call a "straight no chaser" type of magician. My primary focus in practice and for this blog is results based sorcery. I experiment and if it works I keep it, if it doesn't I tweak it until it does or move on. Results are what matter in my opinion. My aim is to do my best to present my views on the art of sorcery and give clear instruction on my methods that can be reproduced by those that are willing to roll up their sleeves and do work. If there is one thing that I can't stress enough it is the fact that I AM NOT SPECIAL. I am not the hierophant of a new aeon, a guru, or in touch with ascended masters. I put my pants on one hoof at a time like everyone else. If I can do this, with a little effort so can you.

Where to find Brother Ash online


High John the Conqueror
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,980. Language: English. Published: October 22, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Magic, Nonfiction » New Age » Witchcraft & wicca
(5.00 from 2 reviews)
Many have heard of High John the Conqueror root, but did you know that High John is also a spirit that you can petition directly? In this pamphlet I lay out my methods for working with this powerful spirit.