
Smashwords book reviews by girafferiffic

  • Outbreak (#3 Destroyers Series) on Sep. 18, 2012

    I feel like I enjoy each new book in the Destroyers series even more than the last! This one has got to be my new favorite book in the series. I loved Paul, I loved the way the Outbreakers became entwined with the Tempests, and I loved seeing more of Leslie's personality and the way she came to the forefront in this book. The story has become very fast-paced and urgent now, and ended on a huge cliffhanger. I love Holly Hook's writing; she is a master at writing suspense, so all the action scenes in the three books have kept me on the edge of my seat! There were so many "OMG" moments in Outbreak, and I was really scared for the characters at the end of the book because I really didn't know what was going to happen next. Excellent suspense! But I also really love Holly Hook's mythology and the way she writes characters, and her subtle way of writing romance. I've really been able to get behind all the characters and all the couples, which is why I was so scared for them by the end of this book. I'm thinking book 4 is going to be the final book in the series and everything has built up so incredibly, I can't wait to see how it's going to end!
  • Inferno (#2 Destroyers Series) on Sep. 18, 2012

    A very excellent and fast-paced sequel to Tempest, I enjoyed it even more than the first book. I love geology and so the volcano tie-in was even more awesome to me than the hurricane premise. Kenna was a wonderful protagonist, and I greatly enjoyed getting to know Janelle and Gary more. I had forgotten how cute the two of them were in Tempest, so it was great to see them again. There were also lots of unexpected plot twists that actually had me shrieking, "OMG!!" out loud. Holly Hook is a master at writing suspense, so you will definitely be at the edge of your seat. I very highly recommend the Destroyers series!