Kim Kacoroski


Kim Kacoroski, pen name Toby Smith, is a Naturopathic physician, who practices Taoist elixir-style alchemy in the Pacific Northwest. She has a bachelor of arts degree in physics from Trinity University and a master of science in engineering degree from University of Washington. American History is a hobby.

Where to find Kim Kacoroski online


New Beginnings
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 31,330. Language: English. Published: July 13, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Historical
The granddaughter of King Arthur, Creirwy, takes the torch for a new generation of dragon flyers. Their story, lost to history, is told in the book New Beginnings. With the help of sea dragons and Celestials, Creirwy and her generation restore the soul of the planet.
Eagle's Flight in the American Revloution
Price: $9.98 USD. Words: 56,750. Language: English. Published: July 31, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Historical
When aliens attack the Indian trade route with a time aberration, the surviving knights or Eagles gather together on the new continent. They form a new government and declare their freedom from the dark forces behind the mask of the corporate oligarch. Eagle's Fight in the American Revolution alchemizes the round table tradition against an intergalactic threat.

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