
Smashwords book reviews by Kit

  • Tumbler on Feb. 28, 2011
    (no rating)
    I enjoyed it and will look for further books by Gamblin. The YA nature of this book did feel a bit odd, but I enjoy a feel-good story mixed in with the rougher content of most books I read.
  • Today Earth Ceased Spinning on June 21, 2011

    A lot of interesting ideas, and very enjoyable to read. I look forward to the sequel.
  • The Book of Deacon on July 06, 2011

    I grew up playing CRPGs and reading fantasy, but in those magic just happened. As an engineer, I enjoy when some of the mechanics of the magic are explained, it makes it more believable/immersive. (The Harry Dresden series is the only other series that I remember doing this.) I agree with BattleCat, that the main character does seem female. If words like she/her were not used, you might never guess. As a male reader I may be able to identify with a male character more, so having a more androgynous female could be a benefit. Also, her hygiene and characteristics could be explained by a life on the road. Overall the book focuses on Myranda as a person, and not a female/male, and that is a good thing. I did not notice any editing problems, but that does not mean they were not there, just that they were not bad enough for me to notice. It was an enjoyable story, with an interesting world. I plan to buy the rest of series.