Tom Negrino

Smashwords book reviews by Tom Negrino

  • The Jaguar's Heart on June 14, 2011

    I was really pleased with this book, and enjoyed it a great deal. I enjoy thrillers, and this book delivered. The story was compelling, and moved along quickly. The characters are well-drawn and memorable; their motivations are clear and make sense. Jesse, the central character, has been around the block more than once, and ends up in a situation where his unique skills become essential for not just himself, but for nations. It's clear that the author is familiar from personal experience with both the book's setting (Mexico) and with covert operations. Whether he is personally conversant with the book's more mystical trappings, I can't say. But I will say that it's a fun and engaging read. Recommended. I agree with the previous reviewer that the book seems to be a good basis for a movie. That's not always a good thing (some books are better left as books!), but in this case, with the right filmmaker, it would make a fine action flick.