Jeremy Andersen


Interested in all things political.


W.A.S.P. Squad
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 50. Language: English. Published: April 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire
The W.A.S.P. Squad are champions of the Republican party, bravely fighting for conservatism and our pocketbooks. The W.A.S.P. Squad stands ever vigilant and fights for American least the ones they agree with.
Funkforce Five
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 50. Language: English. Published: April 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire
The Funkforce Five battle for justice, liberty, and handou---equality for all. They are a brave team with special powers to defend the left and the Democratic party.

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