Thomas Vaeth

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Thomas Vaeth's favorite authors on Smashwords

Lily Gee
Latest book: Drawn to Disaster.
Published October 8, 2012. (4.83 from 6 reviews)

Smashwords book reviews by Thomas Vaeth

  • Drawn to Disaster on Nov. 27, 2012

    I found this book through a review on the BZPower homepage, letting us know that user GaliGee under the name Lily Gee has published her own book. I had heard of GG before, simply browsing BZPower it's one of those names you come across; however, I have never read any of the stories she was known for. I decided to give Drawn to Disaster a try, having not read a good book in a while, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. They say it is similar to her other works, but having not read them I think the book tells a new story- not entirely original, but a refreshing read nonetheless. The characters are well-defined and the story has some twists and turns that I honestly never expected. I will highly recommend D2D to any and all possible readers, and I'll keep any eye out for the sequel! Great job Lily Gee, and keep up the excellent writing!