Guy Inchbald


Guy Inchbald was born in London, England in 1952 and has been moving around the country ever since. He went to more schools and universities than he can remember and has been at one time or another an aircraft enthusiast, student of philosophy, trainee architect, freelance designer, electronics engineer, parent, businessman, technical author, amateur geometer, parish councillor and general nuisance.
It is with this last that he has finally found his niche. You, my friend, are his latest victim. Enjoy.

Where to find Guy Inchbald online


Nobody Steals My Air
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 24,950. Language: English. Published: August 12, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
Nobody Steals My Air is a novella-length adventure of the Last Frontier, of what it is for Jim Dorville and his space station – his personal stinkbucket – to be human in the birth pangs of a new era. Six more tales in this slim but thoughtful collection span the universe, from Victorian steam-punk to the deepest reaches of space, time and being.
If You Don't Mind
Price: Free! Words: 7,660. Language: British English. Published: October 31, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
Three SF short stories from steampunk to the deepest reaches of inner and outer space