Kid Stuff

Raggedydax The Robot Comes To Planet Earth
Series: Kid Stuff. Price: Free! Words: 5,990. Language: Australian English. Published: January 5, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Short Stories, Fiction » Humor & comedy » Parody
A tale of epic proportions for the kiddies – of inspired pioneering invention, of galaxy-wide space-exploration and the utterly gut-wrenching strangeness of alien worlds and cultures, and of grit, determination and fortitude in the face of immense adversity. They’ll laugh, they’ll cry, they’ll scream for mercy, but most of all they’ll beg you to stop reading it to them.
The Adventures of Billy Boiglebird and his Small Automatic Wind Powered Galactic Space-Shrink Transporter Gizmo
Series: Kid Stuff. Price: Free! Words: 4,070. Language: Australian English. Published: September 1, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Children’s books » Entertainment
(5.00 from 1 review)
I wrote this story for my great grandchildren and they enjoyed it immensely. Your little grandies might like it too. And you may even find it amusing yourself … or enjoy reading it to your young’ns, anyway. (…and let me say, dear reader, that you do so with my very warmest compliments.) L.J.
The Enchanted Music Box
Series: Kid Stuff. Price: Free! Words: 9,230. Language: Australian English. Published: December 30, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Family / General
(5.00 from 3 reviews)
I wrote this little piece some years back for my grand daughter's tenth birthday. It's a story about a girl on the cusp of turning ten, her grandfather, an antique music box and some very special magic. It turned out a little longer than I’d intended, as it happened, but, you know, you get that. --Oh yes. And "She'll be jake" is dated Aussie slang for "It'll be okay", but I'm a bit dated meself.
The Fat Frog Song
Series: Kid Stuff. Price: Free! Words: 500. Language: Australian English. Published: April 30, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Entertainment, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
(5.00 from 2 reviews)
As the name implies, this is actually a song. I could say I wrote it for the grandies but the truth is… Well it's like The Enchanted Music Box; it just came into my stream of consciousness. I wrestled the words into shape, arranged the tune that came with it and sang it onto a CD. But the world isn't ready for that just yet, so instead I've illustrated it and put it up as a poem for the littlies…
Grandma And Me, And Bernard, My Elephant
Series: Kid Stuff. Price: Free! Words: 20. Language: Australian English. Published: December 15, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Poetry, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
(4.00 from 1 review)
(200 Words, actually; text on pics.) An illustrated poem for a treasured grand daughter, showing some of Life's unexpected twists and turns – a chance meeting, a blossoming friendship, then discovery, disaster and a tragic parting of ways.
Have You Seen This Boy? - The Mysterious Mystery Of Willy McCoy, Aged Nine And A Half.
Series: Kid Stuff. Price: Free! Words: 30. Language: Australian English. Published: January 9, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Short Stories, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
(360 words, actually - text on pics.) A timeless mystery. One which will endure for minutes even.