Reviews of Unbeautifully

Warning: This is not a story about fate or destiny. This is a story about pain, sorrow, and suffering. This is an impulsive whirlwind romance between two lovers that are not meant to be together. Theirs is not a world with sunshine and roses. Instead, their love blossoms in a secret world full of crime, violence, and death. Their story is about what can be born from nightmares.

Reviews of Unbeautifully by Madeline Sheehan

Rachel Riddles reviewed on June 3, 2013

There are really no words to describe my love for this book. It's gritty, it's raw and at times rough. I couldn't put it down and just live Undeniabloe I'd rate it as one of my top reads for the year!!
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)
Karen Thorp reviewed on May 16, 2013

OMG!!!! This was an awesome read.,love every bit of the story. this had it all drama,action,twist & turns, love & passion, it centered not only on new characters but also included older ones from the previous book., which gave it that wow factor(and which i love when series intertwine characters gives the story a more believe aspect to it)., this was an enjoyable read and kept you interested and was definitely a page turn.. This book deserves 5stars and more and the author never disappoints., if you haven't read the first book Undeniable or this one Unbeautifully you are so missing out on an incredible adventure... This is a must read for sure :)
(reviewed 3 days after purchase)
Meri reviewed on May 15, 2013
(reviewed the day of purchase)
Cat DuMayne reviewed on May 14, 2013

Another gripping tale of life within a biker gang. Brilliantly told from dual perspectives of Danni and Ripper and Deauce and Eva. This is a raw and brutal romance with the realism that all happy endings come at a cost, oh and what a cost, reading this book is painfully beautiful. Stunning. You do need to read Undeniable first in my opinion as the story is part of an arc of the overall tale of this biker gang.
(reviewed the day of purchase)
Monique Kharkrang reviewed on May 14, 2013

OMG I loved this book everything about it the action the twists love reading about deuce and Eva again loved ripper and Danny but I must say I have a slight girl crush on Tegan I absolutely love her and cannot wait to read the next book well done Madeline it was fricking AWESOME!!!!
(reviewed the day of purchase)