Reviews of Running Technique

A practical guide for distance runners to learn and train for the fundamentals of good running technique. Recognize problems with running form that cause injury, or frustrate achievement of your goals. A complete framework of coordination training, mental cues and a training philosophy to improve running technique. Foreword by Philo Saunders PhD, Senior Physiologist, Australian Institute of Sport.

Reviews of Running Technique by Brian Martin

bbmir reviewed on Sep. 1, 2015

The positives about this book are...well essentially that it was greatly needed! I like the explanation and I could immedistely pinpoint problems in my running form.
However I'm not giving it a full 5 stars because the strength training part does show some ignorance in the field. First off this book is set exclusively for runners and as runners I mean people who only run, without doing any other sport. As a bodybuilder meaning to correct my running I see that advising people to not train certain muscles is a nonsense, learn to use the right muscles instead but NOT training something is a bad idea. As for the "bodybuilders don't do cardio", that's a piece of broscience that could be left out, bodybuilders do cardio, plenty of it...just you probably don't see them running on the track because weight is usually considered a problem when bounching in and out of your joints. I guess he needs to take a step back and look into the whole picture, there is not in the body a muscle that does not need being trained. The Rectus femuri is going to impair the hamstring? Then work the hamstring more/better, there is no reason to not work the rectus femus, since it's going to take in plenty of shock and bouncing from running. Nonsense.
(reviewed the day of purchase)