Reviews of That Moment...

Is it just luck we are in the right place at the right time? Do you believe there is a reason for most things that happen? Being in an unexpected situation, are you unaffected, or have you stood in awe wondering? Is there a moment when you realize that between the beauty or sometimes mayhem of life's unusual occurrences, we are guided by a higher power for a reason unknown to us until THAT MOMENT!

Reviews of That Moment... by C.C. Champagne

Ian Conn reviewed on June 3, 2011
(no rating)
Enjoyed the book. Easy reading. Extremely well written.
ILT Conn
(reviewed 18 days after purchase)
callwarrior reviewed on June 1, 2011

This is an excellent read. Well put together with short stories for down time moments.
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)