Reviews of That Moment...

Is it just luck we are in the right place at the right time? Do you believe there is a reason for most things that happen? Being in an unexpected situation, are you unaffected, or have you stood in awe wondering? Is there a moment when you realize that between the beauty or sometimes mayhem of life's unusual occurrences, we are guided by a higher power for a reason unknown to us until THAT MOMENT!

Reviews of That Moment... by C.C. Champagne

Heather McRae reviewed on May 1, 2012
(no rating)
"That Moment" is a wonderful accumulation of real life stories, that covered history, geography & holding my attention with some suspense, some intrigue, laughter & moments that touched my heart. It truly is about "that moment" when pieces of life's puzzle come together for whatever reason...angels? spirit? Devine Intervention? It's an inspirational, easy & affordable read. I was thrilled to read a book where the author brought words to life.
(reviewed 12 days after purchase)
Alene Norris reviewed on April 22, 2012

This book was very well written and the sequence in which the stories were laid out made you want to read on. The writer is extremely talented by showing how she experienced events that most of us would just walk on by. By reading this book inspired me to be more aware of my surroundings and look for the moments when the angels are talking to me to stop for a minute and listen and perhaps help someone. Incredible book!!
(reviewed 24 days after purchase)
Larry Corrie reviewed on March 20, 2012

Excellent book. Held me from begining to end. I would recommenend this to all.
(reviewed 2 days after purchase)
K. Buma reviewed on Feb. 15, 2012

I really took pleasure in reading the different stories within this book. C. C. Champagne did an amazing job at capturing the ambiance of each account giving the audience the full effect of the traumatic as well as entertaining aspect within each short story. I would personally recommend this book to anyone who may need a tender hand in their life!
Looking forward to see more,

K. Buma
(reviewed 40 days after purchase)
Wendy Lees reviewed on Feb. 11, 2012

A great read! C.C. Champagne shows us through vignettes--some funny, some heartbreaking--that everything happens for a reason. Her writing is honest, like that of a trusted friend offering encouragement and inspiration.
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)
seanpatrick reviewed on Jan. 22, 2012

I really enjoyed the different stories in this book and was struck by how all of them related in a way about how life can surprise and yet give you a sense of how there's a cosmic impact to all that happens on Earth.

The book spoke to me in a way I could imagine myself being among those in the stories, and made me ask myself how would I feel about how situations ended up. I like how all of the stories involved different aspects of the human condition! Very thought provoking.

Good one Corinne!
(reviewed 8 months after purchase)
Niki Chisani reviewed on Jan. 17, 2012

This book is a great collection of interesting real-life stories and an easy read. Once I started reading it, I did not put the book down and finished it that day. It really caused me to reflect on my life and all the events that I felt were 'meant to be'. The author's caring nature shines through the book and keeps you connected throughout. A very inspiring book!
(reviewed the day of purchase)
josie louie reviewed on Jan. 12, 2012

The author has a lively writing style I found very easy and interesting to read.
Once I started the book, I really wanted to keep reading, I couldn't wait to see what the next story was.
The stories in "That Moment" are vivid with emotion and contain lots of history in different countries.
I think this book should be used as English Literature curriculum in the School system, so our future student in different ethnic groups understand part of the history of their ancestors. I highly recommend this book to all.
(reviewed 5 months after purchase)
Phitzy reviewed on Dec. 12, 2011

Corinne has written a wonderful book that captures the emotion and soul of some everyday events, and turns them into beautifully written stories. Her wonderful empathy for humanity reaches out of the pages and touches one's heart, leaving a warmness that percolates into the depths of one's being. I loved reading these delightful tales and often found myself smiling when recalling memories of them.

Thank you Corinne, for your wonderfully positive outlook and your lovely book of hope.
(reviewed 36 days after purchase)
Bruce Hogg reviewed on Oct. 19, 2011

I enjoyed the reading time I spent with Corinne's book "That Moment...". I started out reading with a little scepticism but found myself lured by thoughts of a special force, guardian angel, or whatever one calls it, that might indeed be watching over me. Her writing skills took the stories of everyday people's lives, and events that occurred within them, and found the positive threads that linked life events. This showed me that there are forces out there that we do not understand, but yet, do demonstrate that things do happen for reasons unknown to us at the time. After reading Corinne's book I must admit to being a person that now sometimes looks up to the sky and wonders who or what will be my guardian angel today. A fine read that I recommend others enjoy also.
(reviewed 30 days after purchase)