Reviews of Brook's Book

This is a book of accumulated wisdom, designed to entertain, enliven, educate, and inspire, without being a burden or a bore. Make it your own!

Reviews of Brook's Book by Dan Brook

Nikald Williams reviewed on May 18, 2020

I appreciated the wisdom and knowledge this book expressed, many of Brook's thoughts in this book were profound insights, into his emotions, feelings, experiences with life and society. Knowing aspects of yourself could definitely be enhanced when you add God to the mix. Additionally, many aspects of this book produced inspiring appreciations, ones that divulge your thought process and illuminate the substance of ones heart. Recognizing I to believe in this, or I don't necessarily agree with that. You are also able to discern your own thoughts, feelings and emotions when reading this, it's always great when you find yourself in someone else's work. Exceptional read.
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JohanaArredondo reviewed on May 17, 2020

Such a Fun Book to read! This is the first time I've seen such a structure and I'm glad I did as it was very enjoyable. I loved that it gave a different perspective to look at things and also made me think deeper into the content. A little longer than expected but will definitely finish it tonight!
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Muhirwa Kalisa reviewed on May 17, 2020
(no rating)
This book is nothing short of what Dr brook describes it to be, wisdom nuggets. In all its pure nature, it is clear that the writer’s intentions are nothing else but to help the reader live an elevated life. There is no better evidence of this than the selected portion of the book, which serves as a disclaimer. In which the writer gives permission to the reader to use the book in the way that benefits them (not that we needed it, but it was good to be encouraged as such). This book is no teaching of a religion, it is a teaching of lifestyle. I am a fan of many ideas and wisdom of Brook’s ways, and to some extent I disagree as he pretty much anticipated.
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Ayden Smith reviewed on May 16, 2020

Overall I found the book to be enjoyable! What I liked the most is the structure as it's the first time that I've encountered single-sentence entries such as yours. The book allowed me to think deeply and I feel like that's a very good thing, especially with all this time for self-introspection!
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Sephora Siyoum reviewed on May 13, 2020

I loved this book. The unique structure and the one-sentence entries were quite interesting as well as profound. This book left me when many trailing thoughts and awakenings. I love books that make me think deeper than I already have to and this is one of them! This type of book was the good kind of different. I’m honored to have a professor with such a wide form of intellect! Thank you Professor Dan Brook for this great read
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Liliana Morreira reviewed on May 4, 2020
(no rating)
This was a very interesting read! Very unique as I have never come across a book that is structured like this one. I found that some of the one-sentence entries were just as if not more profound as the paragraph entries. The awakening entry left me lost in thought. I am trying to wrap my head around what the meaning behind the sentence is. Goes to show how this book is very thought-provoking and overall a nice read regardless of if the reader agrees with the opinions or not.
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Kieu Nhi Phan reviewed on April 22, 2020

The structure of this book is indeed interesting and attention-drawing. This is the book of not just accommodated wisdom, but also a reflection of aspects of society and life that we normally would not pay much attention to. I love reading about the perspectives of multiple areas of life, such as odds or evolution, that contains so much wisdom and experiences of ones who have experienced. I don't necessarily agree with all of the perspectives stated in the book, but I do enjoy reading and exploring them.
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VeneziaHenri reviewed on April 20, 2020

After reading over Brook's Book, I realized it is not like most books that have a detailed plot with a conclusion. It was actually fun to read for me because everything was organized alphabetically. I liked reading your input of each word and what each word meant to you. Not everyone who looks at the same word will have the same thoughts but it's always nice to see what other's perspectives are because they can influence your own perspectives. This book has very well thought out statements that indeed reveal wisdom. I saved this on my computer to go back to when I need words of encouragement or just another person's perspective other than my own. Thank you for sharing Professor Brook!
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Ricky Gaoteote reviewed on Dec. 5, 2018
(no rating)
After reading a few pages of Book's brook, I immediately gathered my thoughts and decided that this was the best book to pick up when I find myself in a time of boredom and passiveness. The wisdom and knowledge that is presented is by far the most intriguing to me. It is a collection of experiences as well as methodology that any human being can relate to and utilize in their walks of life. It is thrilling to go through each page and be indulged words that have meaning and how it provides satisfaction equally on each page that I browse. It is the critical thinking and the sociological imagination that I'm deeply in tuned with. I wanted to pick out the letter 'R' so I searched for Brook's "R" and come up with Brook’s Role Model: It is not a matter of whether or not you think you will be a role model; you already are a role model to those around you. Everything you say and don’t say and everything you do and don’t do is noticed by others who are influenced by you, just as you are influenced by them.

Thank you Dr. Brook!
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Anthony Topas reviewed on Nov. 15, 2018

Brook’s Book is a unique set of accumulated wisdom. It features an alphabetical style list that is not connected which makes for a blissful reading because you can read anything that interest you without feeling like you missed something. One thing that fascinated me and gave me an alternate prespective was “Brook’s Absence”. I have a very profound feeling to the concept of absences. The perspective of something being there, but we can’t see it. There is so much more present in the world that we are physically incapable of seeing as humans. It’s sad in a way because who know what beauties we are missing. So this books helps you make connections like that or help you think of ideas in a different or new way.
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