bonnie lee


Born in U.S. in the fifties and was adopted about as an infant.
Eventually, migrated to Australia and studied social work, developmental psychiatry and the expressive therapies at major universities in Australia. Developed skills in writing and editing writing articles in health welfare and became a social researcher. Was given honors in the topic of youth resilience for research. Also, studied spiritual care at seminary and worked with cancer patients in a research hospital in Australia and at Stanford University in California U.S.

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Angels in my Lounge room
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 13,130. Language: English. Published: February 8, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Parenting » Reference, Nonfiction » Law » Family law » Children
Angels in my Lounge room, summons the reader toward the wonder of the divine. Albeit, the miracles in the everyday and the phenomena that passes unnoticed. So come along into the wonder and take the plunge. As things go, it has always been the season to notice that we have never ever been alone.

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