
Publisher info

Purple Eyes Publishing is now entering a new period of reflection and generative connection.
The original published collection is still free to view with the odd click or two on what appeals to you.
Over the course of this year, new material will appear, and until then, dear reader, enjoy a creative atmosphere !

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A Feast of Perception - Bijili Blossom
Price: Free! Words: 3,640. Language: British English. Published: June 12, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Essay » Literature, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Biography
A journey of perception released with inner mind lets us encounter travels of all kind.
Garden Poetry - The Makings of a Symphony
Price: Free! Words: 2,660. Language: British English. Published: June 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Poetry » Epic
Musicality - the wind that swept so free in summer garden's memory.
Coming Of Age: My Own Design
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 2,040. Language: British English. Published: May 12, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Sparking design - to simply take the time, elusive sparks to divine.
Life Affirming and In The Moment Sketches
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,690. Language: British English. Published: May 12, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
When we look and are still, sketching becomes a deeper thrill.
Postscripts and Poetology
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,220. Language: British English. Published: May 11, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Visual anthology: my inner harmony; sketches of a time I relished in design.
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,090. Language: British English. Published: May 11, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Realm knows who is at the helm of what we aspire, when we speak to our desire.
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 960. Language: British English. Published: May 11, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
We think we can expect what in good faith we resurrect, but the perfect outcome show a disturbed image of what we think we know.
Stepping Out
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,090. Language: British English. Published: May 11, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
In and out of several seasons, fissions reappear for the new to sear a vibrant atmosphere that cuts through former year.
Planting Anew
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,260. Language: British English. Published: May 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Hooked to Infinity - a sense of our divinity - in a moment quite sublime we find time to feel connective creativity prime.
My Moment
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,120. Language: British English. Published: May 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
After the break-through - the steady moment new - when we are pushing through to all we wish to do.
Spirits Move
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,100. Language: British English. Published: May 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
A simple moment see - the spirit lifts easily and what we thought complex, is just the bud and blossom next to show which way we intend to grow.
Travellers' Farewells
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,130. Language: British English. Published: May 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
However far we travel and wherever we may go - the part of us we hide comes back to confide what had been a joy ride.
Friends' Tributaries
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,020. Language: British English. Published: May 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
However we shower our energy, friends help us see fresh perspective when our lives become connective.
Families' Force-fields
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,090. Language: English. Published: May 10, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
In the middle of our lives we see, we carve our own destiny and intermingled know there's more than one show pulling at how we go and where we choose to flow.
The Business of Art - Practitioner's Cuttings
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,320. Language: British English. Published: May 8, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
The shattering earth clue - when what was solid ground is suddenly light and sound and confounds what you do - life rushes through fresh and new!
The Business of Business - Player's Creed
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,140. Language: British English. Published: May 8, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Conscious interaction - a viable traction when we start to see opportunity hidden in the vastness of you and me.
The Business of Economics - Modeller's Clay
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,160. Language: British English. Published: May 8, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
When we lose what came before, we open up to summer's store: visualising opportunity - there's enough room for me to model viability - practically.
Starting from Scratch - Seeing All Over Again
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,360. Language: British English. Published: May 8, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Inspiration deep creation - it comes once more when we are cold at winter's door - the floor opens up and springtime is unstuck: the endless change of seasons renew a manifold reasons to grow and deep new freshness show movement start to flow.
A Foray into Colour - The Living Palette
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,780. Language: British English. Published: May 8, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
The greatest inspiration is in the light creation whenever the sun flits here and there - a new perspective I can share.
Journeying To A New Perspective - Just As It Comes
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,490. Language: British English. Published: May 8, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Freshness is a breath of what once our hearts caress - a journey once done - endless spun - what we have won.
Business Endeavour and Staged Development
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,880. Language: British English. Published: May 7, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Mulling over former clover - come and walk with me - in a field that's free - open business discovery !
Nordic Days: A Year in Paint and Poetry
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 1,740. Language: British English. Published: May 7, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Start-up in a Scandinavian setting inspired expansive poetry and exploratory painting.
My First time - Confessions of a Start-up Virgin
Series: Sparking Design - 21 Anthologies. Price: Free! Words: 2,090. Language: British English. Published: May 7, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Poetry - single author, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
This is about immersing in start-up and loving all the surge as it purge away and urge a different light at play.
Displacement Economics - The Happiness Axis
Price: Free! Words: 27,940. Language: British English. Published: April 6, 2015 by BabsUK. Categories: Essay » Author profile, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Taoist
Visual anthology gives a new lease topology. Displacement start to show how the fresh can grow new imagery flow.
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