B.E. Harvey


Barbara E. Harvey and has been working with kids since she was 13 years old. As an elementary, middle, and high school teacher, babysitter, camp counselor, house parent and mentor to kids she has had many years to perfect her craft. Her combination of education and experience has given her a unique view of children and how they think, feel and believe. She started her teaching career after graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science from Harris-Stowe University in Elementary Education. She obtained her Masters of Arts in May in Early Childhood Education from Oral Roberts University.

In July 1995, Harvey was hired to develop the Early Childhood Development Program at Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) in Springfield, Missouri. This opportunity afforded several honors. She became a part of the Missouri Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences Board where she was the chairperson of two separate committees from 1995-1997. This Board worked with state legislators and the Missouri Department of Education to help them set and design a policy geared toward working with students on issues that related to family and consumer sciences.

Harvey was also the keynote address speaker to the Springfield Home Daycare Association in May 1996 where she discussed professionalism in childcare. This 45 minute speech encouraged Home Child Care Providers to see themselves as professionals who offer a service to parents and their expertise in child care to the children.

While at OTC, she was a co-leader of the Business and Technology Academic Advisement Team, she participated in a leadership-training program. This program involved nine faculty members participating in a team building and team facilitation class, which focused on Joiner’s Seven Step method of teambuilding. Upon completion of this class, she was paired with another faculty classmate and became the co-leader of the Business and Humanities Team at OTC. This group focused on helping to streamline processes and to improve the coordination of student advisement.

Harvey currently lives in Atlanta, GA where she heads a parent development group called Parents, Teachers, and Advocates. The agency has trained over 3500 parents since 2006. She has been a radio guest and has spoken to a variety of agencies on the importance of parent development.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The book which has had the biggest influence on me was Hinds Feet on High Places and its sequel Mountain of Spices. I love allegories! These two books by Hannah Hurnard have had great impact on who I am as a person and my faith.
How do you approach cover design?
I think about what I really want people to get from my writing. For instance with Volume One of the Jouneys series I wanted to display several things. First, a parent is responsible for their children journey in education. However, it is the child's journey too. The cover depicts this sentiment.
Read more of this interview.


Choosing High-Quality Childcare
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 8,220. Language: English. Published: May 14, 2019 . Categories: Nonfiction » Parenting » Childhood development, Essay » Sociology
Barb Harvey is an early childhood expert who wants to share her knowledge with you! It is her life's mission to empower parents with the knowledge needed to chose high-quality childcare. This weekend read will give every parent the informtion Barb has learned over 35+ years in the field; shrunk down into usable information for parents, that will llowithem to choose with confidence.
Multiple Intelligence: Building You and Your Team
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,930. Language: English. Published: March 12, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Training
Using her study of Dr. Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence. Barb Harvey shares about the theory and how business leaders can use it to strengthen themselves and their teams through the use of brain sparking and brain breaks. Harvey explains the theory, how it can be used in business and gives exercises and tips in this short ebook.
Work-Life Balance
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 2,830. Language: English. Published: January 7, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Parenting » Reference
A quick read on how Mom's in business can balance life in the 21st century.
Education From the Cradle: Choosing Quality Childcare
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 24,510. Language: English. Published: June 8, 2017 . Categories: Nonfiction » Parenting » Childhood development, Nonfiction » Parenting » Reference
Barb Harvey a professional educator wrote this book to help working parents to find and be confident about the quality of the childcare center being chosen. There are stories. explained professional jargon. and given a clear picture of what a professional would look for in quality childcare. It is her goal to help parents know what quality childcare is and what it takes to achieve it.