Beverly Starr



Beverly Starr has authored several murder mysteries, humor venues, dark side biographies and now ventured into the personal side of requited love. After a thirty year gap, her resurgence into the world of writing lends spark and imagination to her world of words. Her passion for writing gave her the unexpected leap into the Indie authors area of expertise. As she says, "It takes a special person to tell a story but a creative person to write it!"

Smashwords Interview

What is your e-reading device of choice?
My e-reading device of choice is Kindle. I enjoy the way it keeps track of where I left off, the ability to add notes and the format.
Describe your desk
My desk has two laptops ... A Mac Air and a huge monitor. There is a lamp on top, my legal pads ,a pen basket, one pull off notepad, three pics in frames which are Bette Davis, my family with their children.Needless to say I have two mice which I find very helpful in browsing around the sites. My wrist bar is something I cannot live without as it gives me the support and the comfort to not tire as I write. My desk is a tranquil place with many little nooks and crannies for long days and nights of writing.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Beverly Starr online


Waters of Life
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 62,880. Language: English. Published: November 27, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Clean & wholesome
Lost love, betrayal, renewal, and memories bring Bernadette Patterson, renowned author, to communicate with the Robert Matthews, the only man she ever loved. After fifty plus years, they explore a new friendship while mingling the old feelings into their communication. Destined to be lovers again, fate intervenes and obstacles seal their future destiny with each other.
Paramours Garter
Price: $10.99 USD. Words: 94,830. Language: American English. Published: October 7, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Reverlee Benedict is forced to leave her secure life to journey into the unknown waters of a sleepy little town called, the Bay. Suddenly she is inundated by love, betrayal, raw sex, bondage, and murder. Her desire for secrecy is shattered when an old friend threatens her identity. She must fight the demons from her past while trying to hold onto the love of her future.
Screaming in Silence
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 28,130. Language: American English. Published: September 7, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Graphic novels & comics » Graphic novel
The world of abuse occurs on a daily basis. The victims are varied and do not fall into any specific category. These are their stories in the world of silence. To keep the abuse at bay, no one dares speak about it openly. One day the abused will no longer remain powerless at the hands of their abuser. One day they will scream loudly and be heard around the world. One day they will conquer fear.
Men I Could Have Lived Without
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 46,090. Language: American English. Published: September 7, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Entertainment » Biography
Dare one enter the dating field in her fifties and sixties! Everyone told me to write stories about the men who came into, went away,and tried to come again in my life. This author never thought that the search for the man was too difficult. Every kind of species of man would crawl around, under, and away from me. This became a whirlwind experience and yes, perhaps, maybe I would try it again.
One Pair
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 48,120. Language: American English. Published: September 7, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths
While at an exclusive poker game in Las Vegas Johnny Reston is murdered . Laura-lee Livingston, bored heiress of the Skip Jack Whiskey fortune finds herself in the middle of the investigation. Enter, Garnet Munch, the unforgettable homicide detective, teaches her that even the wealthy are not spared when it comes to murder. She embarks on a journey that gives new meaning to amateur sleuth.
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 51,890. Language: American English. Published: September 7, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Amateur sleuth, Fiction » Adventure » Action
During the depression, a vagabond street smart girl, Rye , runs her gang with fun and mayhem. After her mother dies, Rye discovers, by accident, that her Auntie Dread is involved in a careless scheme that involves murder of the innocent. She takes matters into her own hands when her best friend, Harriet the Hair dies. Rye,while in prison, becomes Preacher 41977.