Céili O'Keefe


I currently reside in New Zealand.

I don't do social networking or scoot my personal details over the interweb- please don't take that the wrong way- it's not you, its me. But I have spent a long time writing The Blackthorn Orphans and I intend it as the first half of a whole.

I take inspiration from IndoEuropean and Asian traditions, my interest in history, natural history, ethology, environmental issues, mythic expression and allegory and ethnographic art.

I am a practicing animist. I support personal freedoms, environmental causes and social justice. I always try to stick it to the Man. I donate a proportion of my various earnings so you too are supporting those causes when you purchase my writing. If you can't afford the list price but would really like to read my shit, please contact me and I might flick you a freebie.

I love my dog, my cat, my incredible partner who patiently edits and proofs every last word I blarg onto the page and wish to thank them again for their unwavering forbearance. I'd also like to thank all the musicians featured in my playlists; I cannot write without music, and I am indebted to them. Check them out yourself.

I encourage you too to write/paint/express yourself artistically, to quit that stupid job and do what matters to you. Most of us are only here once- let's rock and roll.

Where to find Céili O'Keefe online


The Blackthorn Orphans
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 248,820. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary, Fiction » Fantasy » Historical
(5.00 from 1 review)
What is freedom, when it is all that remains to you? In exile two brothers pursue an anarchist's trajectory, from an old world into the new, from the East into the West through a fracturing pagana and rapacious humanity, subject always to the pleasures and horrors of an enduring flesh, to the ironies of karma and impunity. Love bears thorns, the lost return and the dead are haunted by the living.

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