Michele Townsend


I've got a super power and I'd like to share it with you.

I say irreverent things and sometimes make my point in a fairly blunt way and I find that this can render me invisible. That's my super power...

It suits me really, I get away with all sorts.

Here's an example: I say things like, "This cake is awful, what made you think you could bake?" "Don't make it again because you're ruining cake for me."

At this point I'm immediately outside the acceptable range of behavior. To protect themselves people will pretend you don't exist.


Of course there is a side effect, I have plenty of time to write because I have very few friends.
Don't feel sorry for me though, I'm getting really good at writing and the friends I have are the ones worth having. Find your Super Power.
I'm always grateful when anyone reads what I've written and I love that you took the time to read this...Thanks x
You can follow me on instagram. M1ch3l3 T0wn53nd

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
The sequel to "The Heart Wants", I'm dying to find out what happens to Lily and Lux. I've made The Heart Wants free down load it, see what you think. If you're feeling generous maybe you can write a review :).
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Mostly through the kindness of strangers....reviews.
Read more of this interview.


The Heart Wants
Price: $2.00 USD. Words: 3,570. Language: English. Published: August 10, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy
(5.00 from 1 review)
Need Street was her home, banished for years, Lily attempts to return only to come face to face with the reason she was banished and she's just as hopelessly drawn to him as she was all those years ago.
Save the Seven Glades
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 27,140. Language: English. Published: May 1, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Fairy tales & fables
(5.00 from 1 review)
Gus is an only child desperate for a best friend and some excitement. He never imagined that finding the source of an odd smell in his garden would lead him into a charmed world on the edge of ruin. Gus is desperate not to loose his new friends and vows to help what ever it takes.