Theo Compernolle


Prof Dr Theo Compernolle MD. PhD. tis an independent international consultant, executive (team)coach, trainer and key-note speaker.
He consults, teaches and coaches professionals, managers and executives in a wide range of (multi)national companies, professional services firms and training institutions in many different cultures and countries.
He holds these sessions in English, Dutch and French.

He is an adjunct professor at the CEDEP European Centre for Executive Development.
He teaches and coaches in the executive programs of business schools like INSEAD in France and TIASNIMBAS in the Netherlands.

He has held the positions of Suez Chair in Leadership and Personal Development at the Solvay Business School, Adjunct Professor at INSEAD, visiting professor at several business schools and Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam.

As a medical doctor, neuro-psychiatrist, psychotherapist and business consultant, Theo studies research from very different fields including medicine, biology, psychology, neurology, physiology and management. He then burns the midnight oil to integrate this information into a coherent whole and to find simple ways to pass on this knowledge, in a memorable way, to all kinds of professionals. His clients often call his sessions "Science made simple and useful".

Theo was first drawn into the world of business after the publication of his PhD about stress caused quite a stir in the media.

Since then he has become an expert on the emotional and relational aspects of leadership and enhancing the resilience of executives, executive teams, organizations and families with a business, especially in times of conflict, stress and change.

He has published several non-fiction books and more than a hundred scientific articles. Three of his books ao. "STRESS: FRIEND AND FOE. Vital Stress Management at work and in the family" became bestsellers and long-sellers. He is just finished his latest book "'BRAINCHAINS. Discover your brain to unleash your performance in a hyperconnected multitasking world." Available from, Createspace or a bookshop near you.

He has also been the director of several inpatient and outpatient departments.

Theo gained a Ph.D. on his research into stress from the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands). He is certified as a psychotherapist and as medical specialist in neuropsychiat...

Where to find Theo Compernolle online


"BRAINCHAINS. Discover your brain and unleash its full potential in a hyper-connected multitasking world" is a comprehensive book describing some basic scientific facts about the functioning of our brain and how to apply this knowledge to become more intellectually productive and creative and have less stress. This book became the start of a series of books and booklets, each of them aiming at specific audiences such as architects, facilities managers, teachers, parents of adolescents, adolescents and students.


How to Unchain Your Brain. In a Hyper-connected Multitasking World.
Series: BRAINCHAINS. Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 14,720. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2017 . Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Life Sciences / Neuroscience, Nonfiction » Psychology » Industrial & organizational psychology
This brief and crisp summary of the comprehensive book “BrainChains” explains the minimum you need to know about your brain, to get the best from your brain and your technology and become measurably more productive, more creative, in less time and with less stress. Its practical advice, based on hundreds of research publications, is summarized in five BrainChains and five BrainChain-breakers.
The Open Office Is Naked
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 23,670. Language: English. Published: February 12, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Industrial & organizational psychology, Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Architecture » Buildings
The cages in modern zoos are better for animals, than modern offices for people, because ZOO-directors know more about inborn needs of animals, than company-directors about the innate needs of people. Result: offices where people suffer from less productivity, less creativity, less (!) communication, more stress. Hence, these cheap offices are very expensive. Book based on extensive research
“BRAINCHAINS. Discover your brain and unleash its full potential in a hyperconnected multitasking world”
Series: BRAINCHAINS, Book 1. Price: $24.99 USD. Words: 170,420. Language: English. Originally Published: July 31, 2014 by Theo Compernolle. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Applied psychology, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Success
What is your most important tool to be successful? Your brain! What do you know about your brain? Nothing. The result: you unknowingly ruin your performance and obstruct its synergy with your ICT-tools such as your email and phone. In "BRAINCHAINS" you discover your brain, to unleash its full potential in a hyperconnected, multitasking world and to get the best results from your brain-ICT synergy