Dioline Cheriah


The eldest of three daughters, Dio-Ché is beauty therapist, poet, writer, and author of "From Pauper to Warrior Princess", as well as the co-author of "31 Days with the Proverbs 31 Woman" Devotional. Born in Namibia but moved so often one could call her a nomad. "In this world, but not of this world"

I developed a keen liking toward writing in school, unbeknownst that it was a hidden talent that would send me on one heck of a journey. It was when I was awarded with a trophy for being one of the top achievers in the country that I realised there's something special going on here.

There lies within the spoken and written word a power with the ability to cause life or death, and how we use it will determine the course of our lives.

I believe that our life stories is for the benefit of all those we encounter along life's journey and that each chapter is meant for our growth.

The ever unfolding story of life's race is one I wish to portray within my writing with the hope that it will bring healing and growth to those that read it. The role and purpose of the woman is where my ministry lies and sharing my story is part of that calling.

God vows His Word to have authority over all things. He is faithful to His Word, thus if we wish to be more like Him, we ought to be faithful and be true to our word.

Where to find Dioline Cheriah online


From Pauper to Warrior Princess
Price: $8.99 USD. Words: 29,840. Language: English. Published: June 6, 2022 . Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing, Poetry » Spiritual
There is method to the madness. There is purpose to the pain. Your life was predestined before your birth. Your story is your process of the pauper becoming the princess.

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