HPA Press

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HPA Press publishes works that further Human Population Academy’s mission: to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population. Visit our website at https://www.HumanPopulationAcademy.org

Smashwords Interview

What kind of books does HPA Press publish?
HPA Press publishes works that further Human Population Academy’s mission: to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of human population (Catalog of Human Souls). For a list of all works published by HPA Press visit http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/hpa-press-publishing/.
Where can I find a list of all books published by HPA Press?
For a list of all works published by HPA Press visit http://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/hpa-press-publishing/.
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Welcome to the Human Population Academy!
Human Population Academy (http://www.HumanPopulationAcademy.org) empowers people with information about the Laws of Human Nature, the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls), and proven solutions to problems that arise in society. Now you can greatly improve quality of your life in all the factors: physical, intellectual, dietological, sexual, emotional and environmental.

Human Population Academy & Catalog of Human Souls: Introduction
Human Population Academy ( http://www.HumanPopulationAcademy.org ) Human Population Academy & Catalog of Human Souls (Catalog of Human Population): Part I: Scientific Breakthrough Discovery Part II: New Technology Part III: The Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls) Part IV: Shan Hai Jing Part V: Practical Uses

Story of the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls)
Let's take a look at the history of our civilization from the relationships perspective! We will tell you a story that started at the dawn of times of our civilization, when humans were not even advanced apes yet, but simply apes...

How Men Turn Women Into Nothing: How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs.
Series: A Log With Legs Spread Wide. Lecture 1: How Men Turn Women Into Nothing: How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs. Women lost the "war between the sexes." Since the time of birth women are being made into logs with legs spread wide, as an indication of their main purpose—to participate in the reproduction of the human race, and be pleasant toys in the hands of men...

AHNENERBE: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin
You are a zombie, and artificial software does not care whether you are healthy, wealthy, happy or not. It does not at all care if you will survive or not. The main requirement of "Ahnenerbe" is that you execute this program. Even at the cost of your life. "Ahnenerbe" is a great tool to manipulate the work of your entire psychophysiology. It works perfectly, and you do not even suspect it!

HUMANS ARE BIO-ROBOTS Press Release - Human Population Academy
Scientists discovered that the great Leonardo da Vinci was correct in his assumptions—humans ARE bio-robots. Every person gets a program at birth. No human is able to deviate from this individual program. Anybody can be manipulated by the use of certain set programs. The question, “What is the soul?” has been answered. http://www.HumanPopulationAcademy.org


Женские Клише
Женщина создала и обустроила это общество. Также был обнаружен следующий интересный факт: женщина когда-то создала для себя 21 клише. До сих пор никто в психологии никогда не рассматривал так много клише...
Metaphorical Dictionary
In this book series we present the discovery of the proto-language as the proto-world language, the very one that existed before the emergence of all currently existing languages of the world. And, in this series we demonstrate the practical value of this finding; using examples, we show how the proto-language can be a mine of recipes on how to solve any problems: from ideological to daily life ones. Also, we show how these recipes turn society-rapist and exploiter into society-free supermarket for anyone who uses them.
Метафорический Словарь
В книгах этой серии мы рассказываем о нахождении протоязыка как прамирового языка, того самого, что существовал до появления всех существующих на сегодняшний день языков мира. И демонстрируем практическую ценность этой находки. На примерах мы показываем как протоязык может являться кладезем рецептуры по решению любых проблем: от мировоззренческих до бытовых. И как эта рецептура превращает общество-насильника и эксплуататора в общество-бесплатный супермаркет. Для любого, кто её применяет.
Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals Of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis.
Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis is a new direction in scientific psychology, which allows identifying an individual’s subtype structure (psyche) and manipulation modes on the basis of the Catalog of Human Population. It is called non-traditional because it does not use any of the traditional principles, approaches or methods to the study of human psyche.
Анти-Гороскоп: «Программное Обеспечение» Homo Sapiens
Вас одурачили: самопознание - не то, что вам кажется. Процесс искать себя идиотизм, когда можно открыть книжку и всё о том, какой ты узнать. Но эта книжка - не гороскоп. Извините, если огорчили, но на осине не растут апельсины. К гороскопам вы относитесь снисходительно. В них полная чушь не про вас. В этом их практическая ценность. Почему серия названа Анти-гороскоп? Она для тех, кто по-настоящему ищет себя и кого гороскопы утомили неконкретностью и бесполезностью, с намёком, что душу человеческую познать не дано. Человеческая душа – познаваема т.к. душа (психика) любого описана в древнем источнике, который оказался Каталогом человеческой популяции!
Anti-Horoscope: Human “Software”
You were fooled: self-knowledge is not what you think it is. The process you call "looking for yourself" is idiocy because you can open a book & find out everything about what you are like. But, this book is not a horoscope. Sorry to disappoint, but "oranges do not grow on aspens." Sure, your take on horoscopes is lenient. Even though they contain complete nonsense—they are inoffensive, simple and amusing like children's books. They are not about you, what you are like real, without masks and permanent self-presentations. It is nice to feel smart against the background of astrologers-charlatans, who were unable to figure you out, right? This is what horoscopes are for—to hide the truth; this is their "practical value." Why this series is titled Anti-Horoscope? It is for those, who are really looking for themselves and are tired of lack of specificity and uselessness of horoscopes with a hint that human soul cannot be uncovered. Human soul is knowable because the "soul" (psyche) of any person is described in the ancient source, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population! Just open the book and learn everything about yourself from this Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens.
People Born In January
Price: $14.99 USD.
People Born In February
Price: $14.99 USD.
People Born In March
Price: $14.99 USD.
People Born In April
Price: $14.99 USD.
People Born In May
Price: $14.99 USD.
People Born In June
Price: $14.99 USD.
Female Clichés
A woman has created and arranged this society. Also, another interesting fact was found: a woman has once created 21 clichés for herself to use. Until now no one in psychology has ever considered so many clichés...
21 Female Clichés
Price: $19.99 USD.
Каталог человеческих душ
Книги посвящены 40-летию с начала исследований, приведших к открытию Каталога человеческой популяции. Автор этого научного открытия - исследователь А.Н.Давыдов. Источником знаний о психике человека оказался древнекитайский памятник "Шань хай цзин", который Давыдов расшифровал, где биологический вид Homo sapiens описан как разделенный 293 подвида. Homo sapiens - биоробот на генетическом уровне. Это подтверждается тем, что узнавая природную индивидуальную программу и манипулятивные режимы человека из «Шань хай цзин» можно узнать о нём абсолютно всё и сделать его на 100% управляемым.
Catalog Of Human Souls
This series is dedicated to the 40th anniversary from the beginning of research that led to discovery of the Catalog of human population. The author of this scientific discovery is researcher Andrey Davydov. The source of knowledge about human psyche is the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing (which Davydov managed to decrypt), in which the biological type Homo sapiens is described as a type divided into 293 subtypes & on this basis it was qualified as the Catalog of human population. Each person belongs to one of 293 subtypes & has stable characteristics of this subtype regardless of race & nationality. Information is implanted as a program in the unconscious of a person from birth & determines his whole life: qualities, algorithms of life, motives, etc. Each Homo sapiens has modes of self-regulation & control from the outside (manipulation modes). Program & manipulation modes are that what is called psyche (soul). Homo sapiens are bio-robots at the genetic level. This is confirmed by that learning a person's natural individual program & manipulation modes from Shan Hai Jing, it is possible to find out absolutely everything about him/her & make him/her 100% controllable.
A Log With Legs Spread Wide
Every woman considers herself an individual. In vain, as regardless of race, ethnicity, profession and so on, no woman is an individual. Every woman lives as man programmed her to live, as it is convenient for him, as he wants her to. Women do not even suspect who produces images for what they consider their "Self," and why.
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