J. E. Flint


Janice Flint grew up with her father telling stories during their walks through the Arizona desert. The stories became entrenched in her and made her want to be an author like her father.
Janice wrote and attempted to self publish her first novel at 14. The rejection didn’t dissuade her, and she continued to write and develop her story-telling abilities. She fiddled with short stories through college while she worked on her liberal arts degree. But the changing job market and an interest in computers made her switch majors to Informatics.
Though she put writing on hold briefly to work on her career, she did not forget how much she enjoyed writing.
When the recession hit and Janice was let go from her job, she devoted the time to writing her first self-published novel. True Blue Alien: Digital Memories. Though the book didn’t garner much attention, she learned from her mistakes and moved forward.
Be sure to stay tuned for more work by J. E. Flint by going to The Incorrigible Author's website: www.incorrigible-author.com

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
My desire to tell my story without some big chain pressing down on me to write the continuation of the last series and be afraid to take a risk. As an Indie author I get to write my books when I want, how I want and on what I want. I'm for the most part the master of my books and I take creative direction on points from others but on the whole it's my vision and in my voice without someone demanding I keep cranking out the same type of story over and over again.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
Smashwords is where I sell my most novels actually. True I don't have my first novel on this site but I've sold more copies of A Goddess's Gifts here than on Amazon. So I consider this a very important platform for my market. The tools and the fact I can let my fans set their own price is huge to me.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find J. E. Flint online

Smashwords book reviews by J. E. Flint

  • Last Days and Times on Jan. 20, 2010

    Steve has a beautiful way of spinning a story and merging multiple character plot threads into a single compelling story. Each of the characters has a vivid background that makes you feel like you've known them and could hold real conversations with them. The speculative nature of the future and the impact upon religion in this story makes it hit close to home and keeps the reader firmly gripped in the reality of the world of both the characters and the world we live in. Drawing interesting parallels from fact to make the fiction that much more enjoyable.