Marlene Jensen


Marlene Jensen’s Everything Aging book started with a blog she launched ( in 2017. She was 70 years old and shocked, worried and appalled at this aging stuff she was suddenly facing.

Previously Jensen was a:

VP Publisher at CBS
A consultant on marketing at ABC, Food Network, etc.
An entrepreneur — with dozens of startups launched
A professor of marketing and pricing at Lock Haven University (now emeritus).
Jensen is also the author of four books on pricing strategy.

In her “retirement” she continues her blog, offers courses on pricing strategy, and offers free advice to would-be entrepreneurs — through volunteering with SCORE and through her free website

Sadly, none of the above has prepared her for the onslaught of marketers who now think her daily interests/needs consist solely of hearing aids, wheel chairs, adult diapers, medi-alert buttons, medications, and bath tubs you walk into.


Pricing Psychology Report
Price: $9.97 USD. Words: 11,870. Language: English. Originally Published: October 2, 2020 by JGF Press. Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Marketing, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Business finance
All pricing decisions are not logical! People buy at one price and not at another for psychological reasons -- many of which they don't understand. Yet these psychology-based choices have been documented by pricing strategy experts in tests of hundreds of millions of consumers. * How to change your price by a couple of pennies -- and get 10-20% MORE ORDERS. * How to raise prices -- and get MORE...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Aging ...But Were Afraid to Ask!
Price: $7.75 USD. Words: 49,750. Language: English. Originally Published: November 16, 2020 by JGF Press. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Healthy aging, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Body, mind, & spirit » Inspiration & personal growth
The operating manual — for your life as you age! Aging ain't for sissies! There's trouble coming your way. And choices to make. Avoid "gurus" out there — all insisting their way is the only way. We didn't put up with that when we were young — why start now? The only good plan for your future is YOUR plan! Here's a look at all your choices on...
The Tao of Pricing
Price: $7.75 USD. Words: 2,860. Language: English. Originally Published: December 29, 2019 by JGF Press. Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Marketing, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Business finance, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Marketing / direct
Pain-free pricing strategy 77 pricing "parables" such as: "Know your customers. If a man known for his cheapness buys from you... raise your prices immediately." "This book makes pricing so much fun, you might not realize how much you're learning!" -- Bob Bly, author of Fool-Proof Marketing "This book can protect you from pricing mistakes that can devalue your company." -- Roland A. DeSilva...
47 Ways to Raise Prices ...Without Losing Customers
Price: $11.75 USD. Words: 26,780. Language: English. Originally Published: November 29, 2020 by JGF Press. Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Starting up, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Small business & entrepreneurship, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Marketing
Make your customers happy to pay more. There is no other business step that can increase profits as quickly and reliably as raising prices. But raising prices is the one marketing decision most likely to make a manager break out in a cold sweat. Don't let this be you. Here's help in "the most practical book on pricing ever written." Inside this book are 47 different price-raising strategies all...