
Genipha Backoulou, born in the Republic of Congo and raised between Paris, France and Stillwater, Oklahoma, has an interesting perspective of life that her life experiences have equipped her with. Being born in a war-torn country, Genipha has gained a rich perspective of life that has left her open-minded enough to accept life and people as they come, yet firm enough to overcome every situation that life has thrown at her and strong enough to learn from every bad decision she has made.
From the happenstance of life to her bad choices, Genipha has allowed the Spiritual to mold her, transform her and sustain her in order to gain victory. Now she has found the voice inside her. That voice is the vehicle that allows her to share how restructuring her mind has changed her life and helps her encourage those who feel trapped or defeated by their poor decision just like her.
Her voice is the shofar to reach others, to help them to realize that our mistakes can shape us for victory and to let them know they too can overcome and remain on top as we are destined to be!

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
Better Not Bitter is a helpful guide for the book Better Not Bitter: Allowing mistakes to refine us not define us. This set is for those seeking to grow and while not allowing their past to paralyze their future. This book is the workbook that goes in-depth and allows you to view your actions and reasoning from a different perspective. I wrote Better Not Bitter at a time in my life when I had lost all confidence and desire.

I needed to press my reset button and decide who I was going to be moving forward. I had so much shame and guilt for how my life was the time, I decided I would not allow past events and actions to determine who I would become. I made time to ask myself the hard questions and reset my mind. From this journey came freedom and peace I've never experienced. I still have some ways to go, but I am no longer a prisoner of my shifty perspective, the opinion of others, and life's happenstance. I wish my reader the same freedom and peace!

These questions are to awaken your subconscious and make you aware of things you may not always think about. This workbook is for those looking to change their mindset to build a better life again, after getting lost along the way in this wondrous journey called life.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Writing is very therapeutic to me. It frees my mind and allows my inner teacher to shine and liberate my soul.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find GENIPHA BACKOULOU online


Better Not Bitter Workbook
Price: $10.00 USD. Language: American English. Published: June 10, 2021 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Study guides -- General
Better Not Bitter is a helpful guide for new believers and those seeking to leave their past behind and get better mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This book is a pair to Bitter Not Better: Allowing Mistakes to refine us not defines us. The workbook goes in-depth and allows you to view your actions and reasoning from a different perspective.
Better Not Bitter: Allowing mistakes to refine us, not define us.
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 13,410. Language: English. Published: January 21, 2020 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living
This devotional journal helps analyze life and our belief system effortlessly and realistically providing the perspective to overcome the deception, lies, shame, guilt, and burdens from life and our choices. Better Not Bitter brings you from “near-death” to emotional and mental breakthrough, from defeat to victory and from bitterness to soundness. This journal targets the wellbeing of the reader