Ndungu Mungai


Ndungu Mungai is a motivational speaker, social commentator, and relationship counselor based in Limuru, Kenya.

He speaks and writes on issues of interest and concern to the human family, particularly love, courtship, marriage, parenting, religion, and sex.

He started his preaching and counseling ministry in 1988 and has addressed hundreds of youth meetings and couples' seminars.

He has been a guest speaker in countless church services, annual conventions, weekly meetings, and Bible study seminars.

He has also addressed many public and private functions, including wedding ceremonies, family events, group meetings, community gatherings, and funeral services.

He has also been invited to several educational institutions to talk with students or parents or address special parents/students/teachers' meetings or get-together events.

He has in the past decade published thousands of articles on social media platforms that have been read and shared by millions of people around the world.

His Facebook page, Relationships Counselor, reaches thousands of people every week with posts helpful to men and women of all ages and backgrounds.

Individuals, groups, and organizations with speaking or writing queries and offers can email him at ev.ndungumungai@yahoo.com

Where to find Ndungu Mungai online


Preparing for Marriage: Love, Courtship, and Wedding Are Not Enough
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 58,970. Language: English. Published: July 5, 2022 . Categories: Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Dating
A book to help you prepare for a sweet and till-death relationship with your future spouse.
Before Getting Married: Facts Every Young Man and Woman Should Know
Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 53,140. Language: American English. Published: April 29, 2022 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Life / Relationships
This book outlines the steps you should take before marriage.