Jaco de Beer


Semi-retired aviator with a love for telling stories.

Where to find Jaco de Beer online


Tatsie, El bosquimano de piel gruesa
Price: $1.19 USD. Words: 2,640. Language: Spanish. Published: December 3, 2016 by Kameeldoring Boeke. Categories: Essay » Sociology, Fiction » Cultural & ethnic themes » Cultural interest, general
Tatsie era un grosero campesino de piel gruesa con muy poca consideración por sus compañeros tribales.
Tatsie, Der Dickhäutige Buschmann
Price: $1.30 USD. Words: 2,470. Language: German. Published: December 1, 2016 by Kameeldoring Boeke. Categories: Fiction » Cultural & ethnic themes » Cultural interest, general, Essay » Sociology
Tatsie war ein roher, dickhäutiger Buschmann mit sehr wenig Rücksicht auf seine Mitstämme.
Bushmen Stories: Mountains
Price: Free! Words: 1,070. Language: English. Published: January 12, 2013 by Kameeldoring Boeke. Categories: Fiction » Cultural & ethnic themes » Cultural interest, general
The Bushmen believe that in the beginning there was only a shadowy darkness all over the world. The sun, moon and stars did not even exist yet. Yet in the Kalahari lived a family with three daughters, the oldest daughter was called “Kou” or Mountains. This story follows on the previous one called Beginning and both were freely translated from the collection of "Boesmanstories" by G.R. von Wielligh